Crazy things we do in uni #3
got video camera recording somemore...
today we were sitting as a group infront of admission office chit chatting and some random person just came up with a video cam and said.
"hey guys, we are doing a video for MERDEKA this year and can we have a short interview on your thoughts on 'what is merdeka?''
the guy gave us like 1 minute to think about it and...
i was the 'lucky' one to get chosen as the first person out of my friends to be in that video..-.-
omgosh i hope i dont embarass myself for being so chiong hei..
i think i talk too much at times...><
but anyway it was fun!
i mean, what other chances you can meet to get your face on tv rite...^^v
and one more thing!
after lunch the lecturer din came in the class so all of us watched horror movies (Goosebumps) using the projector in the class!
with all the lights off of course...XD and creepy sound making by some classmates hehe~~
haha so thats the fun stuff that happened today..i am sure thats more to come!