a school day...
aih aih today got skul again...
saturday bt stil gt skul...haih...
day before yestersday gt 1 mega news rite...
guess everbody oso noe la...
the king of pop Michael Jackson pass away d...
haiz, the world has lost a great musician...
n a singer that is passionate of wat he is doin...
he will always be a part of musioc history...
i guess every1 will miss him...
ok la dun talk abt sad things d...
aih...nw in cc..
times up...
Church Camp 2009
walao finali i can hv free time to post abt my church camp...
my church fcc went 4 camp in Genting View Resort..
we choose genting cuz its not hot...very nice ma...=p
so as usual in the presence of cameras, i cam whore all the way till my fren's camera no more batt!!!

me syok sediri-ing in the club hse...=p

getting ready 2 play squash in the club hse...woohoo!

me n me snapping photo of myself all d way...muahahaha...
dam syok sediri i noe...
bt wat 2 do...i'm lk dat haha...
plus i took sum funny pics too...XDXD

muahaha dam funny...
no la actuali dats not the real scene la...
it's jz d camera angle n the timing...
haha cant stop laughin n laughin...
ok so lets get back to the topic..
in camp d food okok la...
but cnot banding wif the food dat we all bought in subang..
after the nite service all the youth...
tak kira kenal or tak kenal oso go to the youth apartment...
go there 4 wat le?
play games n eat lo...
wah tak sangka after 1 year i din play ps2 bt my skills stil ok la...
i play Burnout(racing car game)
n i shouted my lungs out...
had fun...
laugh alot...haha...
so the 3days 2 nitez camp ended so fast...
how i wish i still can b dere...=p
but le...stil gt 1 funny part i haven tell...
3rd day of camp is d las day ma...
so after lunch me n my fren joni decided 2 go 2 a place in the hotel la...
d place nobody go 1 so very quiet lor...
we went in the lif...
n go 2 the 2nd floor...
we walk out the lif as usual n joni was walking in front of me la...
n suddenly...
i heard 'pokkk!!!!'
i was actuali lookin at the floor n when i luk up...
i saw joni banging on a glass door!!!!!!
the scene dam funny man!!!
i laugh n laugh n it is still funny til today...
hope the nex camp will cum soon...=p
Dance! Subaru...
ok i noe most of u will blur blur...
wat's dance subaru le?
ha! Fans of TVXQ/THSK/DBSK will for sure noe la...
TVXQ sang the OST for the movie n the movie is goina be in cinemas 2day!!!!!
of cuz i will see it la, c already den tell u all...
it's actualli a jap movie,
abt a ballet dancer n her usaha 2 bcum a sucessful n famous...
one more thing i wana share with u guys is 3MUSIC videos...
seriously its nice...
go see for yourself i give u d link...
dat 1 is tvxq Survivor punya mv...i cant find the 1 wif eng subs so jz bear wif the french or italian sub la k...=p
this is frm title is haru haru...
dam touchin...go see ba...
3rd 1 is also frm bigbang
this song is called 'lies'...
it has nice rhytm bt i dunno abt d lyrics...
enjoy ba...bye...

My bz hol...
Holiday baru 1 week oni n i got so dam lot of things 2 do man...
las friday...yea, after exam punya day,
i went to pyramid n eat pizza @ pizza hut...
okok la dat day dam tired...haiz..
den monday le, i go pyramid...AGAIN!!!!!
this time is go shopping...haha..
my shoe oni left 1 pair oni...sobz...
others all patah n rosak...
tuesday guess where i went...
i siao d go pyramid...
but le...the gud thing is this time i go is to eat...
haha i eat at jap buffet shogun...
dam nice wei...
quite cheap oso got discount...
got ice cream la, sushi la, oyster la, kimchi la...
got erm, pizza, teppanyaki, prawn, soup bla bla...
lk very nice le...hehehe...
i fat d lor...bcuz of dat day...
say oso will shock u...
i ate lk 4 scoop of ice cream. 5 fresh oyster, 1 bowl of mushroom soup etc etc...
wana vomit d eat until...
so these few days i exercise 2 slim back lo...
ok nex, the nex day is 3rd of june ma...
weiwei bday n a6 go pyramid...(yes, again for me....-.-)
we gv her a suprise with a cheese cake n walao dam hapi wei dat day haha...
we go wong kok n eat ma, den yeeing n veronica say wana go buy hp credit wor...
psssst: actuali d word credit means cake...dunwana bocorkan d suprise ma..
dim zi 'credit' buy soooooooooooooo long....
after half an hour baru gv suprise...
den gt tyk, jie sheng, wei hao n chee heng lor...
dam fun evry1 eat 2gether n talk talk...haha
after dat we went 2 asia avenue 2 tk da tou zhao...
dam noob every1 go n cramp in d small photoshoot room there...
sumore snatch place haha...
but when tiba d editing time rite, gt timer 1 ma...
d timer spoil le...XDXDXDXD
me, krys, yeeing was lk 'aiya since d time stop there den gan cui do slow slow oni la....'
it came out nice....
yesyerday n 2day le, my church got seminar...
dam boring...
2mr pulak...i got a puppet show going on in my church le!!!
fu yoh if got the vid i will go upload 4u al 2c...haha
so dats all 4 dis time...