today as u all noe by the title, is our Independence Day...haha 31st August...suppose 2 go hang out with some friends but in the end did not cuz parents quarrel...T.Tanyway at home good oso la get to on9 haha...this morning woke up at 7 sumtin...den continue sleeping til 10am...2mr school reopen other words exam continues...XPsejarah i like give up studyin d cuz too boring...=.=anyway other remaining test paper is like est n chinese n sejarah ni...all ez papers haha sap sap sui for leh like dam perasan hor...hahanex week i'm goin to a new place for's in subang hope can get some frens...=)
The worst haircut EVER!
OMG yesterday went to the too thick gotta trim abit...fringe too long have to cut mai went to saloon lo...haih i regretted it seriously...actualli i wanted to keep my hair's lenght so that its long enough to be curly...but le...the hairstylist CHOPPED off like 2-3 inches of my hair!!!!!!!dam mad...sumore the fringe cut till like dam cacat...=(after the hair cut i send a photo of me in my new hairstyle to Joni, my fren...n her 1st reaction is like...'wth wat dey did 2 ur hair?!'sat bai dam sad ah!!!!!!today went to damansara...visit my GRAND AUNT haha..she from ipoh actualli...came down to c doc cuz her backbone pain...anyway, i spent the whole day in damansara...another day gone haha...2day din even study...
Today is friday fast holiday is goina end soon!!!!!oh gawd why so fast...i haven started enjoying it to the fullest yet...still haven go shopping, haven go cousin's hse, haven on9 puas puas...haih all my bffs went for holidays in genting la, cameron la...but i where oso din go...=(sobz sobz...stupid h1n1...dam boring...woke up like 9.40am...sien dao pao so mai on9 now lor...but also not much things to write cuz nothin funny happened wait...actualli sumtin funny did occured...yesterday nite...abt 10sumtin at nite i haven sleep so i smsed my church fren Joni...she told me that she is watchin a show call 'she's the man'...n she asked me wether i've seen it before...i din actuali but she told me abt the story b4 out of boredom i told her::'eh, wana make a short story call 'he's the women'??' the end things like lingerie shop n the guy has to dress up like a women dat sort of things came out...XDXD...yea i noe its sort of lame but who cares...=pi just have nothing to do so simply write sumtin lor...
Sandwiched in between...
5 more days to go before we are heading back 2 school 2 finish up our trial exam...haih..tinkin about it is driving me nuts now..although the papers are superbly easy papers like est n history...but still...dam fan...cuz after getting my trial results i gotta apply for scholarship's not like 'oh! i'm goina apply for scholarship d!!!' dat simple ok...i have like less than a week to think about wat i wanna become in the future...actualli it's very simple...i wana work in a broadcasting or tv station dats all...but my parents are the one giving me the bigggggggggg headache...dis job not good la, dat job cannot la...haih haih's my life rite, can i just make my own decision??
today morning woke up at 8am...still blur n sleepy at dat time cuz dam tired yesterday slept at midnite...however gotta force my eyes to open up cuz gotta attend a funeral service...rmb d 15 years old guy in my previous posts?yea his funeral...first we drove to Nirwana memorial center which is in sungai besi...(duno where isit dun ask me...)for prayer service la...walao eh
soooooooo many classmates and friends and relatives came...the frens lagi geng...dis is d 1st time i c ppl dedicate song(as in sing song in front of the alter for the deceased)to the deceased le...
dam touching...n sad too...wanna cry but hold back my tears...the song they sang are,
'you'll be in my heart' from tarzan...and auld lang syne...
usually when singing auld lang syne ppl will cry more than any other songs rite...but 2day things went terbalik...when they singing the chorus for 'you'll be in my heart'...which goes like::'Cos you'll be in my heart,
yes you'll be in my heart,
From this day on now and forever more.
You'll be in my heart,
No matter what they say,
You'll be here in my heart,
walao d tears...T.There's the full lyrics::Come stop your cryin'
and we'll be alright
Just take my hand, hold it tight.
I will protect from all around you,
I will be here dont you cry.
For one so small, you seem so strong.
My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm,
This bond between us cant be broken,
I will be here dont you cry
'Cos you'll be in my heart,
yes you'll be in my heart,
From this day on now and forever more.
You'll be in my heart,
No matter what they say,
You'll be here in my heart,
Why can't they understand the way we feel,
They just don't trust what they cant explain.
How know your different
Deep inside us, where not that different at all.
And you'll be in my heart,
yes you'll be in my heart,
From this day on now and forever more.
Don't listen to them, 'cos what do they know.(what do they know)
We need each other, to have to hold.
They'll see in time, I know.
When destiny calls you, you must be strong
(you godda be strong)
I may not be with you, but you got to hold on.
They'll see in time, I know.
That your there together 'cos
You'll be in my heart,
Believe me,
You'll be in my heart.
I'll be there from this day on,
now and forever more.
Ooh you'll be in my heart
(you'll be here in my heart)
No matter what they say
(I'll be with you)
You'll be here in my heart
(I'll be there)
I'll be with you,
I'll be there for you always
Always and always.
Just look over your shoulder x3
I'll be there always. haih touching nyer...T.Tauld lang syne lyrics u all noe d rite...'sud all acquaintance be forgot and nvr brought to mind...'bla's sad oso la when dey sang it...but not as sad as the 'you'll be in my heart'duno y but somehow i started liking the song d...anyway it's indeed a sad day...d sky is gloomy also...was raining just now tim...well, all i can say now is...:
will miss you always...
I edired these out of boredom...
me in kurung..dis pic is taken in skul toilet...hehe...
kurung another post...peace...!
me n krys...d comp dam laggy when i edited this...
but anyway it came out ok...rite?so hows my editing skills?simply taruh oni...hope u will like it.!
The memories kept coming back...
yesterday nite i went to
sungai besi Nirvana Memorial center...
to attend my mum's fren's son's memorial service..
oh well so kebetulan the place is where my uncle's memorial service is held 2 years ago... sad la...
dat guy 15 years old ni...
but the parents dam strong...din cry...
got dam lot of ppl came...
majority is his school mates la...
walao his grandma n relatives r cryin til so terrible yesterday...
it happened to suddenly....even i oso cannot accept...
wat to do dis is life...
tonight i'm goin again...
dam far d place yesterday 11pm oni come back home...
anyway haih so far my holiday is like so...
boring n dull...
hope to have more events soon...
another soul has passed on...
<8.30am>Tring mum's hp rang...mum: girl, help me see who half awake, still blur)...ok...the sms reads:Susan's son (my mum's fren's son) passed away this morning.... ... ...
another person i noe had left this world...
this year i attended like 3 funerals d...
2 friends n a relative...
cannot believe it i tot he was ok...
he suffered froam a brain tumour...
coma started 4 days earlier...
n now...he's gone...
is realli precious...
realli very fragile...
it's all in the hands of GOD...
we must live our life with no regrets...
live evryday as if it is your last...
Home ALONE!!!!!
walao 2day woke up super early to go church...
came back abt 1 sumtin den my mum receive a fon call from her fren...
sum1 admitted to hospital wor...
so now my parents went out!!!!!
left me alone at home...
walao syok ah...
on9 til gila haha...dam happy...
well nowadays i just got hooked up on photo editing haha...
always like to cari fren's photo n add details n edit haha...
hope they dun cum out bad...=p
nowadays ah my internet dam slow!!!!
geram load vid load til die d oso haven load finish...
yesterday and today i went in youtube n watch dbsk's vacation drama...
quite nice got a few episodes...
i watched the yunho 1 touchin...T.T
maybe can use it for my essay writing haha...
who noes rite...
20 things i wanna do after spm
1. learn how to drive...(obviously for a 17 year old)2. hang out with a6...=)3.learn how to speak korean or maybe japanese4.find a high paying job..hehe i need cash...$$$5.clean up my's seriously in a mess..books are everywhere...after spm can throw all the books away d hurray!!!!!6.go on a holiday!!!!!=)...korea korea here i come!!!!!anyong for til i drop...9.upgrade my blog...10.go to a concert...dbsk's 1 i hope...haha..11.try my luck in a competition...12.on9 on9 everyday haha...13.polish up my photography skills, make up skills n photoshopping a laptop15. sleep for 12 hours everyday haha...whoa so relax...16.go for a manicure n pedicure!!!!!i wanted dat 4 sooooooo long d...17.change my a show for charity with my friends in church...19.ah yes this is quite important...learn how to cycle...20..last but not and have fun til my heart's content..dats the most this is my list...
1st day of holiday...
today is saturday...well now its like oni 9.50am like dat but i woke up like 1 hour dat 1 hour...i do the usual washing face, brush teeth bla bla...den i swept the floor...haih life is so boring...anyway since i so free now...maybe i can do sumtin tellin u guys wat will i do after spm...haha...=p
so hows it?haha i edited it...dats beautiful a4 in pengawas dinner haha...
Holiday hurray!!!!!
walao eh finally can get 2 on9 d haha...
i had waited patiently for this day to come...
dam desperate jz now we had bio paper...
wana finish fast fast n fly back home 2 on9 haha...=p
anyway just now i went to Giant 4 awhile to buy some stuff...
about 2.30 oni come back... d but mum say still hv 2 study...
for the past week i study till i wana naik gila d ah!!!!!!
but at least can on9 everyday la haha...
picture of pameran kejaya puchong indah...
after d pameran kerjaya in school toilet...

krys in a pinafore

baju kurung...

umm act cute gua...duno le...

yeeing cannot tahan her laughter in her pinafore...XDXD

a3 forever 2gether...=p
next in prefect clothin...
do i look good?

a3 n yeeing last minit rush in the pic...=.=

again me in prefect clothes...

me n krys...b4 yeeing come...

cute krys in pinafore....another pose

me in kurung...


ok this 1 is d pic we took in d bus....=.=

me n krys in d bus cam whoring like siao...=

me, yeeing, krystle n m2

dis pic i put some effects..act cute face hehe...

at the pameran hall....d stage is like our drama competition dat time punya...
Breezing thru...
phew today is saturday...but got school!!!!!felt so tired la dun have enuf math was soooooooo easy wey!!!!!paper1 espeacially...maybe can get 40/40...haha tyk confirm wrong 2 question d...muahahaha...XDXDpaper 2 le...i dun understand y sum ppl cannot finish...when i finish doin my paper still got like 1 hour left...=.=anyway today later going out n eat dinner...maybe seafood haha...=p
BM paper...
2day is the 1st day of exam...BM 1 AND BM 2...omg dam tired my hand...cuz keep writing n writing non stop...haiz...sadly cannot blog abt the questions cuz a few ppl in my class kena cannot bocorkan the soalan...haha...=p2mr is moral n english...hope evrytin is fine...
Exam Exam coundown!!!!
omg in less than 24 hours trial exam is starting...
2mr 1st n 2nd paper is bm..
haiz haven reali started revising bm yet...
scared la...haiz dam stres cannot sleep...
starting to have really weird dreams oso... least i get to go on9...
today alot of ppl in my class din go school...haha..
met them when i was on9...
haiz d h1n1 is reali scaring all of us out seriously...
dun play play ah...kena quarantine gotta stay at home or mayb hospital...
so take care evryone...dun go out so much...
drink more water understand???
haha y do i sound like an ah ma talking ni...=p
H1n1 scare...
yesterday nite jevan smsed me saying...'wun go skul 2mr, sum1 go chinese club jamuan n got h1n1.i have 2 b under quarantine...'n my 1st reaction is 'WTH?!?!?!! SUM1 KENA H1N1 in skul d oh nooooooooo!!!!!'peranjat me...m2 oso got go d jamuan but she say she is ok so she went skul...2day i din at rite actualli 2day cannot on9 d but mum gv me chance haha...nowadays i base more on sejarah...dis friday will be sejarah 2 exam...thk god is dis week...dunwana wait long long later 4get everytin...anyway, wednesday is our good luck every1!!!
Saturdayz alike...
unlike saturdays are usualli very bz..but usualli i do the same things in every saturday in give tuition in the morning,den eat lunch...cum home do some hse work..den on9 den life like damn dull hor...anyway just now i went to taylor's...tinking i can submit my scholarship form but mana tau d office din open!!!!!haiyo wasted my time sumore so hot the weather...actuali 2day i cannot on9 mum la...everyday study study study and study...she not sien i sien bored la my life...nowadays i keep reading sejarah oni...scared later friday duno wat 2 write den cham d...n yes..yesterday i dwnloaded a new software 2 edit pic...walao dam nice...was enjoyin it so much...
Study study and study...
yesterday nite i study sejarah like siao...
in the end at nite cannot sleep...=.=
so today got abit tired n sleepy lor...
haiz later gotta study again...
spm is such a torture!!!!!!
but wat to do...
oh ya ytday nite i was calculating the amount of money i need 2 study nutrition...
n estimated i nid rm200,000.00!!!!!!!!!!
whoa that figure seriously shocked my mum...=.=
haha so my mum me 2 study harder lo...
2day me, veron n sonya went 2 pejabat 2 let teacher sign our taylor's scholarship application form...
n to our shock n amazement,
veron have 46sijil!!!!!!
wth...i'm dam jealous wei haha...
but it's a good thing oso...
she is a bukti dat a6 hv smart ppl...
she is our pride haha..=p
trial exam starts nex week!!!!
aiyo bm 1st paper die la dis time...
Pameran Kerjaya...aka career exhibiton..
it's a happy n satisfying day today haha...
2day me n my class went to a career exhibition in puchong indah hall...
d hall quite air conditioner oso haha...
abt 6 schools including ours attended dis exhibition..
n abt 15 uni n colleges participated...
d oni ones i can rmb r sunway, segi, IMU, AIMST, PTPL...
aiyo short term memory lost...
anyway a3 aka me, krys n yeeing were cam whoring
for almost half the time...=p
ps: pics will b out a.s.a.p...
psst...plz dun tell any1 abt this after u read haha...
teacher dun let us go back early...
so me, krys n yeeing decided to cam whore in skul toilet...
but there is a twist,
instead of wearin our own uniform...
we switched uniforms!!!!!
we seperate our process onto 2 rounds...
1st round:
me= prefect clothing
krys=baju kurung
2nd round:
me= baju kurung
yeeing=prefect clothing
haha den we excitedly change clothes n start snappin away haha...
i kind of luk good in the prefect clothing...
aiya wasted din bcum prefect...=.=
ok so now back 2 studies...
umm i surveyed around n found out dam IMU got nutritionist course...
which is umm ok la cuz i wana study dat...
so i counted...
if i study A levels in sunway, den in IMU,
i take 6 years more b4 i can work...
ugh hate studyin larrrrrrrrrr...=(
wat to do...
sumore ah my cousin went n give me wrong info..
she said once becum nutritionist will have a salary like rm10,000++
but mana tau the booklet i got from IMU said dat the basic salary oni rm2,500 for fresh graduates!!!!!
ahaha 2day dam happy la...y le???hehe cuz kena puji by teacher lor...=pok oso la i heard dat est teacher just said dat i'm hardworking...quite happy la she made my day haha...anyway just now during moral lesson, me, kok n m2 was talkin abt korean n jap celebs...apparently we... all agreed dat korean celebs(girls) r more prettier haha...=)we also chatted abt bigbang...n also sweet lookin celebs...haha like hero jaejoong...=panyway 2day i got my exam timetable (the STRESS!!!!!)walao bm 1st paper...i haven even read anytin!!!!from now on gotta realli work hard d... so stress...
so malang ah!!!!!!
yesterday after d electricity shock i was ok la...
jz got abit scared d dats all..
but dam malang ah yesterday when i was packin my bag 2 go skul i cant find my tie!!!!
i frantically search around my room...
in the cupboard, bag, drawers n all but... still cannot find!!!!!
dam geram so eventually i gave up...
but as i was trying to find my tie on my bed b4 i gv up...
i din noe dat the cupboard on top of my head was open...
when i get up i knocked my head dam hard on the cupboard door!!!!=.=
wanna go siao d wat d @#$%!!!!
last month lost my pencilbox, dis month lost my tie...
wat's next wei seriously...
omg!!!!just now my computer dun hv sound so i tot the speaker spoil i went n adjust the wire n suddenly my finger felt dam pain n got a pricky feel...i din noe d wire patah d n d electricity was on...n i m still blur n i din noe dat i ken electric shock me,,,i went n touch it again!!!!!dis time the pain was worse n my finger went red...i was wondering wat had happened so i checked out d switch...baru i noe d wire patah d...phew so dangerous thk god the voltage wasnt high if not i will b dead by now wey seriously..anyway today i went to meru for the burial service...thk god the weather was nice n windy..after all the things are settled we went for lunch in a chinese restaurant...the food quite tasty...=pden we came back home..haiz now i learnt dat i cannot simply go n touch wires...dam shockin i dun even noe i kena electric shock...
I regretted...
PULAU KETAM..... oni cum bac...
stayed 4 so dam long doin nothin dere...
11am i tiba dere n 6pm oni i left...=(
wasted whole day dere...
today i din go tech tuition...
cuz gotta go pulau ketam ma...
so abt 10sumtin i started my journey n tiba port klang...
jz in time to catch the ferry...
to my suprise n dismay,
the ferry dam chiplak wey!!!!!!
wat the @!#$%@@@!%^%^&&*!!!!!!!!!!
haiz i was expecting a ferry like 2storey high...
but in the end it was jz a single storey sumore look so old d...=(
old nvm but can jalan properly can d...
anyway i admit this is my 1st time goin 2 pulau ketam by sittin dis type of ferry...
dam hard to go in the ferry wei...
the door so dam small n short...-.-
sumore so hard to get in...d ferry dam shaky...
anyway after i tiba thk god it wasnt sunny n hot!!!!!!!
phew it was gloomy like wana rain d...
bad news again for me is...
the oni transportation vehicle dere is bicycle...
i duno how to cycle!!!!!!!-.-
so how...mai walk lo...
d hse that i suppose to go in 1km from d jetty man!!!!
walk lk siao...crazy d...thk god no sum if not i can kill myself d...=p
ok so after i tiba d hse i went in n pay last respects...(btw i went there 4 a funeral...)
den after dat i ate...
den sms....for abt 1 hour...
den i got bored d...
n my bladder oso call me go toilet...
so mai go lor...
the toilet dam wet...(but dats not the main prob...)
d toilet jamban punya hole can c til down dere wei!!!!!!
means as i pee i can c all the rubbish below d hse thru the hole...
felt so sick tinkin abt dat... wana vomit d...
n i hv 2 go 3times....
cuz my bladder malfunction....duno y 2day cnot tahan...
dat was a reali bad experience...
den 5pm me, my mum, n 1 couple from church went for ais kacang in a restaurant near the jetty...
quite unique the ica kacang...
abt 5.30pm the ferry came n we went back to port klang...
so dis is my pulau ketam experience...
will i go there again??????
... .... ......
i will think twice....