Hello, my name is Eilynn. I really like dressing up in skirts, dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography.Am also a model in the making!
Hello, my name is Eilynn. I really like dressing up in skirts, dresses, heels and sparkly tops, so you can say that I'm obsessed with fashion. I love books, computers and especially photography.Am also a model in the making!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Flu bug... yesterday i slept at 10pm..guess what time i woke up today... 12pm...-.- i slept for like 14 hours and yet got flu... sneezing non stop... aduh... just now went to summit to buy more model test books.. spm 5 more weeks nia... starting to feel gan cheong d... aih today din go school... heard that we are goina get terseksa and tortured in PE class.. haha...just now baru did sejarah pass year question... siao!!!!paper1 so tricky... get 34/40 ni... forget all sejarah stuff d omg...gotta study again... ... ... ... dunno why but my semangat for study n spm weakened alot... maybe bcuz of the constant stress and pressure... created by my parents, relatives,school and also friends... aih aih... Tuesday, September 29, 2009
camera camera i love u!!!!! haha i had always loved the camera...well a very very special tq to josh my church friend for borrowing me his precious hp to cam whore with... this are the best shots... love them... ![]() holding bass guitar... in church ma...got alot of music thingy that is very GOOD for cam whore another 1...
Idlan's house photoshooting...=p rmb i said last week i went to Idlan's house?
walao his hse sooooo many good spots to cam whore... haha thks to my bff krys...she took all these amazing pics... Monday, September 28, 2009
Faith in fear... well yesterday night the dinner that i attended ended quite late...reached home about 11pm... slept at 12am...aih so tired today...no mood to do exam also... anyway yesterday night i had a dream... in a way it's a nightmare la... i will never forget the dream... wanna know what i dreamt?? ok i'll tell... it all started in an empty building... the building got like 10 over floors so got lif all those... but inside only my family, and some pakar electric...(duno why but i tink d building got renovation) my dad was helping around by shifting electric stuff... u noe things like fuse box,switch,resistors....etc etc den the ketua contractor went and tell my dad that they r lacking of a resistor... call my dad go up 10th floor and get so my dad mai go lor... b4 my dad entered the lif i shouted at my dad... 'if anything happens me n mum will meet u at the main door!!!!rmb ah!!!!' den my dad entered the lif... the next second... 'KRIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!' the fire alarm blared... i was like 'oh no...' suddenly got this voice that shouted... 'cepat keluar!!!!!banugunan tak ada permit!!(????)' although i dun understand wat isit but its a dangerous scene la... i hold on a metal staircase and it's so HOT!!!!! me n my mum got scared... we ran out... but my dad still inside!!! i wanted to call him... but le scared will have explosion... so mai wait lo... den suddenly in my dreams i started praying... and after like a minute in the dream my dad came out safely... phew...roller coaster dream wey... scare me ni...woke up 4am... somemore slept 12am... today headcahe d... thk god exam wasnt that hard so pulled thru... Saturday, September 26, 2009
Future... just came back from church...aih another week had passed... n tmr school reopens.... school reopens=exam resume=stress=24/7 study=no on9 time=no relax=die of boredom haha...anyway will start to get buzy looking out for available scholarships im still thinking about my future job though still dun hv one... i have many options.... example:: 1.nutritionist 2.zoologist (wanna be like Steve Irwin) 3.movie director 4.singer 5.doctor 6.mag editor 7.make up chemist 8.perfume chemist 9.model 10.orchestra conductor 11.music teacher 12.private tuition teacher 13.fashion designer 14.air stewardess 15.event manager 16.writer/journalist 17.vet 18.stylist and the list goes on and on... haih....well my fav is no.9 but sadly mum dun allow T.T...sobz sobz duno wats her prob la... anyway tonight i'm going klang for a birthday dinner so gtg get ready... see y'all tmr! Friday, September 25, 2009
Brain work out... walao today my student dunno why suddenly become so talkactive..ask so many questions.. but 99% is very zadou or very lame punya... aih kids kids... headache ah!!! today morning 6am duno who go and play firecrackers... dam geram...so loud u noe!!!! i tot something happen n got explosion... mana tau is only firecrackers... kacau me ni....dats why now got headache... later got FOF in ss15 again... got special speaker today le... so tired feel like sleeping...yawn... still got loads to do ah... Dbsk woo hoo!!!! today i have done alot alot of things...firstly... i helped my parents to spring clean the house this morning... at that meantime, i also on9 n i played sorority in facebook haha... after that i started googling about my fav band dbsk... n guess wat, i bumped into this blog www.dbskmaniac.blogspot.com well it's quite new about dbsk... 15 followers ni... n i saw a notice... it says 'whoever interested to be a co-author of the blog please email (an email add)' i got excited upon seing that. n decided to email the author of the blog... I just got accepted!!!!! haha...dam happy... but also very tired cuz wasted so much energy in the morning... din realli eat much today also... just ate 3 pieces of gardenia bread... and about 1/4 bottle of potato chips... no appetite larh... anyway tmr is saturday again... means it's working day...aih haven get ready the things i wanna teach also... later la... parents all went out... im alone at home... felt so quiet suddenly haha.. maybe bcuz im not used to it gua... usually when mum is at home will be dam noisy haha... Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Headache... omg duno why this morning i woke up with a massive headache...aih so fast thursday liao... for the past few days of holiday it seems that i've done nothin!!!! lol... yesterday nite went to Idlan's house for raya open house... din noe it was his birthday so i went empty handed...-.- anyway i got wish him also la of course... his house is wayyyyyyy bigger than mine although we stay in the same area... when i baru baru go that time felt so kekok... just sit beside veron ni... watch tv...eat a satay... everybody was wayching the show in tv2 call 'sumolah' haha dam funny wey... but in the end a3, which is me, yeeing n krys got bored so we decided to go out d porch n cam whore!!!!! haha in the presence of any 2 a6 members a camera is always available...=p so we just simply pose here n there... snapping away happily.. but tak sampai 3 photo yeeing went back d...=( aww but the party is still on for me n krys... we went in the house n sat in a place where they have nice European sofa... n pose there...haha pics will be up soon i hope... when school reopens only i can get it from krys... it's worth the wait cuz the pics are awesome!!!!!! Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sorry sorry... hello everybody... nowadays i dun blog much cuz no time n nothin to blog about haha... partly is because now it's hols n i became lazy...hehe anyway, now i'm sort of back to update my blog while waiting for the game in facebook to load.. haha... mum went out to saloon to dye hair.. dad goina go out n fetch her soon... so later i will be at home alone... tonight i'm will be attending an open hse... hosted by chess club treasurer Idlan... his house dam near my hse... same area ma... hope i'll have fun... my bffs yeeing n krys will also be goin... so... tmr's post will be abt it... -.-...yea i noe it's kindof umm...za dou... but i duno wat to write ma...haha oh!yesterday i went pyramid... window shopping... walk whole day but come back with nothing...-.- well at least not so boring at home ma.... Sunday, September 20, 2009
church day sunday... again sunday has came...
as usual went to church... today is quite different from other days... partly coz today we have more youths in church... dat includes the 'duno-when-is-the-next-time-will-c-her' punya joni... n also pro drummer Dinnish...(sorry duno how to spell the name) it was fun... we jam together... play songs, sing... Dinnish also taught me how to play drums haha...=) how to roll, 8beat n all... it was ok... hard at first but after i get it... I CAN ROLL 11 TIMES STRAIGHT WITHOUT A MISTAKE WEY!!!!!! hard to believe le... anyway its not that easy... but not to say its impossible la... haha anyway, tmr is stil hols... stuck at home dull home... d only thing i can do is on9, study n do hse work...(ya u heard me rite i do hse work) T.T Saturday, September 19, 2009
Romantic time... now...is a romantic time to blog for me... haha y le? cuz outside raining.... and now i'm listening utada hikaru's 'first love' so sweeeeeeeeeet... ahh it was a quite bz day for me... morning went n work.. today students quite guai... sit down n listen to me teach... n do their work quietly oso... haha hope every week also like dat... den good lor...praise the Lord d haha... after tuition i went to FOF as usual... jz came back juz now... 2mr got church again... hols started.. so far mine is ok... just abit dull cuz got piles of hol hw...-.- hope i will be rajin n finish it... started getting lazy d...(not only in homework but in updating blog oso hehe...=p) Thursday, September 17, 2009
addicted... aih i think drugs is not the only thing that can get u addicted...2 days ago i started playing sorority life game in facebook... and guess what, i seriously got addicted... cannot believe le.. starting to get very lazy to study d... glued to the computer... yesterday when i shut my eyes to sleep also i tink about the game... aih but i'll get over it... today is friday... well raya hols started... got alot of things to do but still got alot undone haha... tomorrow working again... hope the two kids will behave n listen to me bla-ing abt science facts....=) Sorority life... wah wah wah nowadays like nvr update blog d...lazy is the word for it... haha.. besides dat nowadays i got addicted to facebook games...(shhhh...dun tell my mum) =p anyway 2mr onwards is hol!!!!!! hari raya is around the corner... Happy Hari Raya to all my malay frens... hope u al can enjoy the hols... forget abt d exam stress haha... after physics exam today Idlan invited me to his open hse... hurray!!!!!got party d haha... exam was quite easy today... unlike last term...aih... chaoz...wana play game d haha... Monday, September 14, 2009
Geram geram... So gearm now my comp cannot log in facebook...cannot play pet society.... aih aih... it wasnt a good day for me... addmaths was not exactly a breeze but i still can pull thru... day before yesterday i downloaded an antivirus for the computer... in the end the comp work sooooooooo slow i uninstalled it just now... although the computer is much much much faster... but duno y when wana load stuff it duznt respond...-.- tmr is chem 3 n physic 3... studied d but have to revise... Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sunday morning... aih aih todat was very tired...suppose to wake up 7.20am to go church but in the end cuz terlalu tired n lazy so din go...hehe my family rarely never go to church on sundays.. this is like the maybe the 5th time in my life i tink... cannot rmb any... haha...anyway gotta study 2day cuz addmath exam 2mr!!!!!omg!!!! teacher said its goina b very very hard... how hard?we'll see... Road to rescue... It is the longest day of my life...my hotmail account kena 'pirated'... my facebook oso kena in the process... yesterday n today i'm in the midst of putting everytin in place... settling down...but miss my old account in the same time... haih...yesterday was soooooooo worried i cant sleep til 1am... malam malam buta abt 12am i woke up n on9... wana change passwords aih...n download antivirus... realli scare me loads... just wish that a pro hacker is with me now... so i can call him to hack the acc back for me...=p but useless where to find... even if have why would they help me? suddenly... i just felt hopeless... BUT.... today i found my answer... it was a bz day for me... u can tell by the time im blogging... rarely blog at this hour but...i just cant leave my blog... after teaching tuition i hurried to ss15(near taylor's college) for Faith Oasis Ministry...its like a church...3-5pm...every saturday... i was actualli tired...very very tired... wanted to zonk off when the preacher is speaking... but couldnt cuz pastor sittin at the back of me...=p so tahan tahan finalli its eating time den go home when my dad went and get the car, pastor...aka Pastor Raymond came and speak to me... we r talking about bf n gf matters actualli... but somehow...i duno y... pastor just said this sentence:: Whatever that happens, leave it to God... whoa suddenly my body like kena electric shock ni....haha cuz i noe THAT'S the sentence... the assurance that I asked God to give me...n He gave... and now I am free from worry... The Bible says: 'In all you do, I want you to be free from worry.' 1 Corinthians 7:32 it is very true that the Word of God is our comfort, our strengh and our hope... And I experienced in today... Friday, September 11, 2009
BEWARE! EVERYBODY!!!!!!BEWARE of a email from so called 'windows live team' (which is fake) they will ask u to verify your email and ask u 2 reply d address... dey wan u to include your username, password, country and date of birth DUN KENA TIPU!!!!! cuz i baru kena... to all my friends who have my simone_lynn@hotmail.com email address... please block, delete or disregard the msgs sent from the address... tq. Thursday, September 10, 2009
Chemistry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wana bunuh diri d arrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(take out gun)PIANGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! muntah darah d... today chemistry dam hard ah... my A1 is at high risk omg...=( PIANGGGGGGGGG....again... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... teacher today she oni tel us dat las term punya mark not counted wor.... i get A1 last term now oni u tel me dat...=( so mad now sorry i must go chill d... ........................(after 5 minutes) i am back guys...ok so lets talk abt some happy stuff.. 2mr no exam!!!!!!!! hurray can relax... well not totally la cuz 2mr getting back bio n physic paper...ugh... anyway...sort of bz now... chaoz... Wednesday, September 9, 2009
09.09.09 haha today's date so nice...coincidentally it's andrew ng's bday.. happy birthday o...haha... today we got bio exam.... muahahahahahahaha... dam happy paper1 sooooooooooooo ez... siao other school punya test so ez our school ownself 1 hard like siao!! 2mr chemistry...now i'm still blogging haha... relax ni...=p duno wat to type today la...like nothing happen ni... Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Move it shake it!!!! haha well dun misunderstand everybody!!!!i am talking about gerak(move) gempur(shake)...haha... 2mr is the start of gerak gempur... but suprisingly i can be sooooo relax sittin here n blog as if 2mr no exam...=p anyway just now went and ate lunch with krys... talk 2 her mum... wah quite relax oso haha... today i quite happy la.. moral n sejarah paper gv d!!!! moral i got 80...(tyk oni got 73% padan muka haha) sejarah got 81%!!!!!!woohoo!!!!! so 6 a1s for now... but but but but... some1 told me dat my bio got a B ah!!!!!!!(cekik myself) hope its not true....A2 oso better gua... nvm 2mr i do baik baik see wether can get better marks anot... good luck for 2mr every1...! Sunday, September 6, 2009
Happy things that happen yesterday..=) yesterday i went to church...pastor spoke a sermon about 'giving'... and before he ended he said God will give u back wat u gace Him... not only in the aspect of money... but also in things like: 1.better opportunities 2.long lasting friendships 3.answered prayer 4.miracles and healing just to name a few here cuz i cant rmb all..=p so yesterday after d sermon oni we gave offering... usualli i oni give rm1 ni...cuz student ma... but yesterday i took out like afew 1bucks from my purse la... din c how much but just give ni... after reach home i went on9... my tagged profile suddenly can sign in!!!!!!! walao e immediate effect wey!!!! dats not the only blessing that i've encountered during my on9 session... later on i went n sign in to my email inbox... and duno y i spotted an email from a TRAVELLING AGENCY... its a new company from singapore la... whoa!!!!!!dey wana gv me ads 2 put in my blog le!!!!!! wat the dam happy after seeing it... den i replied the email la of cuz... duno when can get reply so excited... thk god for dat... anyway i realised dat GOD not only gimme dat oni... He blessed me with long lasting friendships oso... i have a6 and my church frens... i also got opportunities...and miracles haha.. rmb wat happen 2 my addmath and how that 1 mark popped up 2 gv me an A1? yea so dats considered a blessing oso...or maybe can be said as answered prayer... anyway in conclusion...i just wanna say... 'MY GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD'!!!! Tag from yeeing... ♥Love & To Be LovedRules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with d wedding plan! (: At the end, choose d people u want to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know about you! (: 1. How old are you? - seventeen.actually 16 ++... 2. Are you single? - ya...=) 3. At what age do you think you'll get married? - maybe 25?duno le...see how lor... 4. Do you think you'll marry the person you are with now? - i still haven find my special someone... 5. If not, who do you want to marry? ...hehe...tvxq hero? 6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman? - a6!!!!!!!! 7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding? -whoa this 1 i'll give long description...ok, in the morning i wanna be in a super beautiful church...after exchanging vows and all the procedure thingy everyone will go to a garden...n have buffet lunch...den rest for awhile...evening evry1 go to beach...play games hehe...den eat dinner... at nite...evryone go sing karaoke!!!!!haha...(did i just answer sumtin that is not related to the qtion?) 8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon? -Korea!!!!!! 9. How many guests do you think you'll invite? - the more the merrier...=) 10. Will that include your exes? -maybe?if dey wanna come... 11. How many layers of cake do you want? - i actually wanted a real and edible wedding cake...so maybe 3 real layers gua... simple and nice... 12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening? - morning... 13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding. - umm umm...the wedding song lo!!!!!!!haha...if the song that i wan is...tvxq's' tonight' gua... 14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon&fork?knife? - Fine dining la!!!!! 15. Champagne or red wine? -prefer cocktail...champagne also can...wine ah?got people bring mai ok lo... 16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding? - right after wedding! 17. Money or household items? - Money la duh... 18. How many kids would you like to have? - a boy n a girl... 19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD? -yea sure...wana rmb it always ma...if not later suddenly memory lost den forget those happy moments d... 20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next. - a6, my cousin's and my close friends... tagged:: ♥hueyyi ♥yeeing ♥carmen ♥krys ♥veron ♥wei wei ♥brian ♥ellen ♥michelle too ♥whoever that sees my blog haha... Friday, September 4, 2009
Gee mv i saw this mv yesterday...it's by girl's generation from korea... dam nice!!!! the song dam catchy... go watch evrybody... here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mPqycQ0tQ&feature=channel Curler day... today no work again...
haih...din work for like 4 weeks in a row d... anyway, later 12.30pm have to go out... church thing...duno wat time can come home... yesterday went to subang parade...mum bought me hair curlers and angle brush...(make up thingy) so here i am...now doing curlers...hope it will turn out ok... dam sad yesterday received taylor's college's email... my scholarship application not accepted wor... at first i was sad n kecewa... but then i accepted it quickly... cuz this is not the only scholarship ma... at the present moment i'm focusing on gerak gempur... cuz i did soooo badly in physic n bio!!!!!!!T.T wana cry d so stress... parents now went out...duno wat time coming back...haih... another 2... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......another very very happy day... well as you all moght be able to guess... it's another 2 A1's today!!!!!! this time...it's for maths n ADDMATHS!!!!!!!!!(TYK heard dat?!?!I same grade as u arrr....=p) haha surely will gek him til kau kau this time muahahahahahahaha.... math i got 85...lower than expected but nvm... addmaths is d 1 i wanna talk abt today... paper 1 i got 65...paper 2 69... so add up n divide by 1.8%, my marks is 74.4444444444... siao 0.1% oni!!!!!! walao straight away my hands started sweating...heart beat faster... walao o.1 mark ni le where 2 find o... in the end flip here n dere cnot find...T.T so miss ong was like...'eilynn, can u find another mark?' n in my heart i was like 'teacher u gotta help me!!!!!!!!!' but of cuz i din say dat la...malu 1 ma... den i gv teacher my paper...hoping dat 1 mark will pop up lo... n finally!!!!!teacher found 1 mark....hurray thk god wey!!!!!! Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The happiest day of my life!!!!!! yesterday was veron's bday...we had a party...play til dam siao n tired... haha d games was fun but i kena teruk teruk!!!!!!!!! pics will b up soon i hope... anyways when i get the pics oni officially post the party stuff la... today went to school...no exam d so relaxed...=p bio was 1st period...teacher din gv bac paper...dam kecewa but nvm... nex was english...n got back d paper... i got A1!!!!!!!!dam hapi wey...cant stop jumping...haha... but the best is yet to come... after recess was suppose to be addmath but my phsic teacher swap period with my addmaths teacher... aww man add math 2mr oni can take back... but physic paper oso din get back la cuz got ppl haven take exam.... later soalan terbocor... so the las period was chemistry... n...so close... i got 77%...A1!!!!!!!!!!!! Walao burst into screams and another round of jumping... my feelings are like when i get straight A's for pmr dat time... it's a feeling full of happiness, n joy, n a sense of accomplishment... haha sound so umm...like krystle... anyway 2 A1's d so far...hope can get all...haha.. Tuesday, September 1, 2009
2nd last day of exam haha 2mr las day of exam!!!!!n so significantly 2mr is 2nd september n it's my bff veron's 17th bday!!!!! walao double celebration wey... haha today dam bz discussing games n food for tmr... hope everytin turns out well... est is the last 2 papers tmr... good luck every1... |