bio bio...my brains are all on bio...
ugh my brains are now bursting d...too much bio facts went in...aih aih monday is the day!!!!!!!!!tmr summore got wedding dinner...means no more time to study d...=(anyway i've done my best so i'll just leave the rest to God...well...today i went to work as usual...work today was quite relaxed and fun...=phehe n got 1 very funny and zadou punya thing happened..
my students are very weak in bm..so umm...naturaly they duno alot of bm words...so they tend to ask alot of questions like::'wat does this word mean??' etc etcso today...i gave my boy student to di some bm thingy and there's dis word...haha...XDXDXDguess how he asked me...he said::: "teacher, wat does 'mahai' means???"XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD...
well for those who knows bm...we obviously know wat word he's asking about...he tried to ask wats 'mahal'(expensive)...but after some pronounciation and technical error he pronounced it 'mahai'which is a chinese bad word...XDXDXDXDi seriously dunno wether if he did it on purpose...=.= anyway I DID NOT TEACH HIM THAT WORD!!!! haha just to make things clear...he ar...tsk tsk...anyway that makes teaching them 'interesting' isnt it...standard 3 and standard 2 kids nia..easy to handle but can be difficult sometimes...hehe i learn that bribery works at times...like offering gifts to them when they get good results...=)but good also la...give them boost ma...anyway hope tmr i'll have a good day and...bio will be easy on monday...good luck everyone!
I was poisoned...so badly...
was having food poisoning yesterday...felt so weak...nvr ate anything yesterday...puked like 4 times...XP
aih wonder what i ate that caused me dis...i also dunno...anyway i'm feelin better today so dun worry guys...=)thks for all your concern and smses...i appreciate that haha...tmr as usual there is work waiting for me...phew was rushing like mad to study bio just now cuz i was way behind my schedule due to the tuuuuuuuuuttttt food poisoning...study like 5 chapters just now...thk god everything went in...ahh feel so good now..finally can on9 and update my blog...
Addmaths...ka bom!
walao its as if an atomic bomb landed in our school area...i'm still in a daze right now...omg today is our addmaths exam!!!!!!!!and aih as all form 5s know..today's papers are super super SUPER hard!!!!!!XPi've never done such a tough 1 before...got a shock also actually when i noticed that both papers are the hardest sets that they prepared...T.T
all i can say is i din really did well in my 1st paper...and i nearly...i repeat...NEEEEEEEAAAARRRRLLLLYYYY...freaked and blank out at the 2nd paper...walao its the first time ever that i finished an exam paper tepat tepat the given time...summore din check also...just do ni...ain came home only realised that i got soooooo many careless mistake!!!!!!!!but...now regret also no use la aih...nvm i'll just leave it to God...anyway...now we are finally free from addmath's burden...hope bio will be fine... its on next monday! *gasp*i need a breather seriously...my brain worked to its maximum today...so tired now...but still wanna carry on onlining and facebooking... i just hope all these will end soon..
moral goneeeeeee.....!!!
haha just came back from school and did the housework...finally can online again... wanted to on9 yesterday but was lazy haha...
anyway monday we had maths exam...was okok la quite easy haha...=pthen today we had moral...which was quite tough for me actually cuz there is alot of answers for a question!!!!!!!!so tricky wey never expected...aihanyway tmr is addmaths day...
the REAL spm starts haha...all the tough subjects like bio,physics and chemistry coming up soon...one by one...T.T.... i haven ate my lunch though....so hungry now facebooking...
anyway gambate for tmr's addmaths!!!!!
Spm dazzzzeeee....
ah!my eyes...and my brains and my hands hurt!!!!!!my eyes cuz i read too much...my brains cuz i tink tooooooooooo much...and my hands cuz i kept writing for 3days in a row in exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ugh finally the 1st 3 dreadful days are all over!!!yay!!!!!
im starting to experience a bit of the freedom now cuz history paper2 is over!!!!!can take out all the facts d...to stuff in new ones haha...=paih but the 3 days wasnt dat easy for me to go thru...T.Ti was sick!!!!!!
having flu and fever...='(not h1n1 so dun worry...hahaso frustrating la...the papers are quite ok for me..not that hard la can do...afew days din on9 d...i miss my blog...=)finally can update it now...today i went to work as usual...but le...my students today are xtra xtra naughty...they argued with each other for a pencil lead...-.-anyway now my fever and flu ok d haha...good oso la cuz monday is maths...tuesday is moral!!!!and wednesday is addmaths...*gasp*aih aih wish the qtions will come out easy...
Last day!!!!!
omg today is the last...the very very veryyyyyyyyyyyy last day to prepare for spm!!!!!!
bm tmr...omg...i studied just now haha...suddenly soooo semangat...=paih tmr's exam until 4.30pm!!!!!!siao 3 papers in a day...anyway...today i dam happy...
y leh????haha cuz today i went to sunway pyramid...=)hehe tmr spm d but i summore got mood..actually the main purpose we went there is to meet my mum's fren...long time fren lai de...that aunty knows how to knit and sew very well de leh dun play play haha...she so kind...gave me and my mum specially knitted jackets...i got a half jacket...blue and brown and white...quite nice le its dam special...never seen anytin like that b4 hehe...mum had a brown jacket...wah sooooo nice rite...=)summore the aunty belanja us go eat at Manhattan fish market...had fish n chips...very nice but sadly i got sore throat!!!!!!!!T.T wat the why lar...tmr spm today sore throat...swei...-.-well continue...then the aunty taught me how to knit and even gave me 2 yarn balls!!!!!hurray gotta start right after spm...=)exam is coming in less than 24 hours...hope my friends and cousins are ready...let's turbo and attack spm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALL THE BEST GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 ahhh...another day of preparation has gone...
i mean almost gone...
today i read bm model essay and also did some addmaths...
apparently my brains gone rusty d cuz some questions i dunno how to do haha...=p
ooops nvm addmaths is next week... so still got time...
dun panic dun panic... chill chill...pheww...
today called my cousin also... she form 5 also ma... gotta wish her gud luck...
today's weather is soooooooo dam cooling!!!!!!!!
so tempted to sleep... slept til 11am today...
tot was still 8am dat time...-.-
geng ler...haha...=)
mum slept for the wholeeeeeee day infront of me u noe when i'm studying...
T.T i din get to sleep though...
gotta jia you for spm d...
hope all these ends fast...
2more days to go!!!!!!
*pants* ahhhhhhh....2 more days to go before the start of the torture aka spm....
gyahhhh studied bm just now... wes so boring i nearly fell asleep...-.- read about prosa and umm drama... i take it slow... one day at the time!!!! now i'm chilling... gotta relax if not stress will take a toll on me...(pimples,acne and wrinkles...) aih...monday is tmr... yea i noe...its getting nearer... but good also la... i wana get over it fast... dun wana stress for so long... already read enuf...did enuf and stress enuf d... I WANT MY FREEDOM BACK!!!!!!!='(
haha just wana lepaskan... duno when can update again... hopefully tmr but if i'm lazy means i'll wait till next week... good luck to me and all of us who are goina war with spm...
today...we had a farewell and we prepared for spm...went to school as usual...saw a6 cuz everyone came...^^~it was fun at first when we are cleaning our classroom and shifting tables...we got those yellow and small and sortof cute tables...those are new and i seriously thank god for that cuz it's not shaky!!!!!!!haha anyway today me and yeeing went to rehat...hmm it seems like soooooooo long ago since we last had recess together...miss those times but anyway...krys and hueyyi came to join us later on...and we had fun shitchatting at our 'lau di fang'...hehethe place only a6 will noe where...haha...=)then after taking all the slip and watching our names being 'artistically' drawn by Jason in 5B class we all went downstairs to ruang legar...got this ceramah thingy and some teachers spoke to us and gave us some last minute tips...i saw many students bz studying...some are bz signing autographs on pj shirt haha...=)anyway this is the 1st time a6 din bring any cameras...aiyo wasted la wasted wey...if not we will surely camwhore again!!!!ok moving on...after the speech and 'ceramah' everyone went and shake each other's hands...and it was drizzling...nice and cooling weather...we took photos wif jiayin's camera...shook hands with pengetua and miss ong...and also hugged and shake friend's hands...aih T.T so touching alot of girls cry...cuz we wun be talking to each other much anymore...spm too bz d...krys is the one who got emotional...the only one in a6 who cried.............................................................................................................................................................................well in this school as far as my memory can take me back to the past...i remember that i was very shy and umm nerdy...-.-i was in 1B and it was there i knew a6...weiwei was sitting beside me...krys and hueyyi infront of me...veron and yeeing at the back...those were the wonderful days...and oh ya!!!dere are some famous quotes that i'll nvr forget too.!haha like 'I dig your eyes out ah!!!!!!'
guess all of u noe who said it rite...heheand also we met many fun to be with and nice and encouraging teachers like Miss Then,Puan Habibah,Mr Liew...haha will never forget Pn. Habibah's garangness... nut she's like a mother... very umm caring... takes charge in alot of things... and also gives us all the power to run chess club the way we like it...=p
i wun forget Miss Then also... very encouraging... hope i dun disappoint her in my bio...eek!
hmm who else leh?ah...1B class students should rmb...Cik Teng Yeng...hahaduno how is she doing now i wonder...is she still fine???ahaha u noe wat i mean i'll just stop here...=pwell today finally we all get our final preparations done...
so now... its just the spm left isnt it?
haha good luck guys...
sejarah done!
haha i finished...yes FINISHED studying sejarah today!!!!!!!finally read thru the WW1 and WW2 and also everything in the final chapter!!!!HURRAY!!!!!
tmr hv to go school to take our exam slips and arrange our tables...ahh finally the air of spm is streaming in...well i start to feel relieved cuz i've finished my history...now its bm time!!!!!bm bm wat to study...alot of komsas thing and peribahasa gotta rmb...-.-aih aih im abit worried...duno can rmb everytin anot...=(
Spm is sooooooooo near!!!!
i'm getting more and more nervous and anxious...as well as excited cuz my secondary school years are about to get over!!!!!!one more month plus and i'll be officially out of school!!!!!!hurray...!but i must endure the exam's torture...by right its just 10 days of exam...but it was stretched till soooooo long...maybe it's because of the subject i took...mandarin paper is the last paper and its on 14th of december!!!!6 days after my chemistry paper!!!!!the so called last paper la cuz mandarin is my extra subject...well today as usual i studied...at night only can on9...T.Tbut anyway i have not went to school for the past 3 days...tmr oso not going...i think studying at home is better...at least i STUDY...unlike if i go school i will chitchat...its not a bad thing actually...to chat with friends that we have known for 5 years and we are about to seperate...who knows whom we will still keep contact with right...=)today afternoon i got a phone call from penang...it's from my childhood friend's mum, Mrs. Loh...she's the aunty that fetches me home from school...i known her family since i was ummm...4?ya so its verrryyyyyy loooooong d...she wished me good luck in my spm...her son(my fren) is also form 5 this year...GOOD LUCK to him and all my friends and cousins taking spm!!!!!!all the best guys!!!! gambate!!!!=)we can surely beat spm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha suddenly got so hyper...dunno why but nowadays i just like writing long posts...maybe cuz i'm getting more stress and wana let out my mind and just write and type my heart out...or just simply cuz...i just want to...i'm listening to dbsk's 'Begin'...nice song to hear and sing along...a good song to let out your emotions...this is the lyrics...just feel like putting it down in my post...Nakitai tokiwa nakeba iikara Nee... muriwa shinaide Namida karetara egaoga hiraku Hora... mou waratteru Tomadounowa miraiga arukara Mabushisani makenai... Yuukiga hoshii Every day and night with you Chiisana kimino tewo nigirishimerukara Every day every night everywhere Tsunagaru kanshokuwo zutto tashikameyou Ima monogatariwa... Begin Hitomisorashite sakenderutsumori Demo bokuwa sukidayo Hanareteitemo wakacchiaumono Sou omoiga areba Kinouni mada sayounara iezuni Kusugutteru jikanwa Munashii dakesa Every day and night we´ll do Samenai binetsudake moteamashinagara Every day every night every way Futarino kankakuwo motto kasaneyou Ima kimito bokuwa... Begin Hontouwa bokumo onajidayo Yoruno yamini obieteru Demo hitorijanai Every day and night we´ll do Furueru kimino tewo nigirishimerukara Every day every night every way Tsunagaru kanshokuwo Zutto tashikameyou Ima monogatariwa... Begin Every day and night we´ll do Samenai binetsudake moteamashinagara Every day every night every way Futarino ummeiwo sotto kasaneyou Ima futaridakede... BeginTranslation::Micky It is okay to cry at times when you want to, Don't be unreasonable. When a tear dries up, a smile will light up your face. Look, you are already laughing.
Junsu The future is confusing But we are not defeated, we desire courage.
Jaejoong Every day and night with you, I take your hand. Every day every night everywhere, Now we feel connected and verified. Now, let the story begin.
Yunho You turn away to avoid my intentions, But I like you. When we are separated, we can share something. Yes... if we have these feelings.
Junsu I cannot say "goodbye" to yesterday, The unsteady hours are wasted.
JaeJoong Every day and night with you, The heat and sparks form without cooling down, Every day every night everywhere, Now our contact increases, Now, you and I begin.
Changmin I am like reality, (Baby I need your love, need your touch) (Baby I need your love, need your touch, baby) In the darkness of the night I am scared, (You tell me now) But I'm not alone.
JaeJoong Every day and night with you, I take your hand. Every day every night everywhere, Now we feel connected and verified. Now, let the story begin.
Every day and night with you, The heat and sparks form without cooling down, Every day every night everywhere, Now our contact increases, Now, you and I begin.nice lyrics...aww...
Full to the maxxxxxxxx...
fu yoh!
went to tai thong restaurant just now and ate dinner...last minute got ppl belanja...and its soooooooooooooo nice and satisfying!wah its an 8 course dinner...got lobster,shark fin soup,piglet...and not to forget wine and whisky...hahai drank the wine...mm very nice...but dun dare to try whisky yet haha...not yet 18 ma...mum dun let oso...anyway it was very nice...the service was good..although the food came alil late but its worth the wait though haha...=pi personally love the piglet...soo nice and crunchy...but it comes with a price de la...after i ate all these good food tonight...am goina dance and work out till kau kau tmr...-.-some ppl call it stupid to do dat...y eat alot den go work out next day?but i LIKE ah...why not enjoy food while we still can right??i enjoy and have fun during work outs oso...makes me relax...so in the end i get the best of both worlds...in conclusion...i think eating your heart out and working out to balance back and burn the excess calories is ok...as long as u enjoy working out la dat is...if u r lazy den dun eat lor...haha...=)
Am on9!
haha sudnt have on9 today...
y leh?
cuz actually mum forbid me...in other words dun let me on9 till after spm...
but wat happen today was a studied for the WHOLE...ya i repeat...WHOLEEEEEE day d...
so no reason for not giving me a chance to relax rite...=p
anyway i study like siao today... sejarah chapter umm 16 and 17...
so now im here!!!! on9ing,facebooking and simply chilling while waiting for joni to reply me...
but nowadays internet verrrryyyyy slow!!!!!!
aiyo quality drop d... the game so slow...=(
tmr dunno wether can on9 anot... now my mind full of sejarah thing...
aiyo cannot rmb ah!!!!! i blank d.. wait wait wait...
whats chapter 16 about ah.... oh ya!Persekutuan Malaysia 1957 thingy...
argh i gtg and read again!T.T
resume working today after a week's break...ahh feel so nice and syok working todaycuz i found out alot of things...1st very happy thing to share and boast abt is my student's bm mark rose from 30semtin to 50sumtin!!!!!wooohoo dam happy wey after i teach him he got improvement...haha...anyway the nest happy thing is finally the girl student rmb wat is vowels d..phew i tot she still cannot rmb...-.-3weeks d have been teaching her...thk God now she rmb!!!!!!!!=)n the best of all is:::finally i get pay!!!!!!!!!!!wah pokai d nowadays..no money..overspent last month...haha...=)anyway i'm going to fof soon...chaoz...
Graduation photos!!!!!! a6 photoshoot series..^^~
here is a6 with some of our pics that we took in hari graduasi 2009...hope u'll like it!plssss comment ya..^^~A4:from left:: me,hueyyi,krys and weiwei in tapak perhimpunan...  photoshoot:: location in 3rd floor staircase...     hueyyi while waiting in boredom hehe...=p   idea from yeeing::the pose... we even figure out the beat haha... which sounds like '1,2,3...1 step,turn back...'    stairs pose:: from left:krys,weiwei,veronica,yeeing,me,hueyyi    another stairs... the middle pic::look at our hands...its the a6 symbol!    ahaha cheerful posey..::    a3: me,yeeing and krys... emoing...   whao picture perfect a6!!!! my suggestion of the pose hehe...=) from left:krys,weiwei,me,yeeing.hueyyi,veron...    kisses from a6... aww lucky ones... left pic:me and veron kissing wewei right pic:hueyyi and krys kissing yeeing   fan type pose... the classic where we always take...=) taken by yeeing... in pic:krys,me,hueyyi and veron   from left: veron solo, a5 witouh krys, krys and hueyyi...^^    left start:: me and hueyyi....pose inspiration::taiwan and jap fashion mag... krys and veron...    krys' combo take:: the 3rd pic i edited d... nice pics!       veron triple take:: pose directir for this session:krys,me and hueyyi    combo solo takes: me,hueyyi,krys..     hueyyi helping me to adjust my skirt to transform it to high waist skirt.. she has good skills man...    left onwards:: 1.TA DA!me in high waist... 2nd and 3rd: hueyyi solo 4th:krys relaxing     1st pic: me and krys symmetric 2.krys solo 3:me emoing...=p 4.veronica candid     next...veron solo again..  let the hugs fly! krys is flaunt by hueyyu and veronica...  me kena hug by veronica and hueyyi!  veron kena sepit by me and hueyyi haha...  last but not least its hueyyi who kena hug... by me and veron...  krys and veron... looking back to the past...  act cool pic...  OL fashion mag posey by krys and hueyyi...^^  hueyyi and veron...  hueyyi solo...=)  me and hueyyi's turn fashion mag posey::  a4 before photoshoot: sorry the aturan got abit luan d...  a4 again before makan makan::  and thats all for now...more pics after spm!
I like to take photographs of myself and almost everything..^^ Loves kpop and korean dramas too!
ice creams make me melt and chocolate brightens my day!
a6 - www.a6-girlsnextdoor.blogspot.com
yeeing - www.yeeingng.blogspot.com
veronica - www.veron029.wordpress.com
sylvia - http://i00am00sylvia00.blogspot.com
ashley - http://toxicenthusiasm.blogspot.com
sherene - http://www.perpetual-paradise.blogspot.com
michelle - http://m213.pixnet.net/blog
han pin - http://hanpinzz.blogspot.com
Editor: /rac?
Background: stinkkyy
Layout/Coding: Mary
Inspiration: xanga livejournal
Host: 1 2
ugh my brains are now bursting d...too much bio facts went in...aih aih monday is the day!!!!!!!!!tmr summore got wedding dinner...means no more time to study d...=(anyway i've done my best so i'll just leave the rest to God...well...today i went to work as usual...work today was quite relaxed and fun...=phehe n got 1 very funny and zadou punya thing happened..
my students are very weak in bm..so umm...naturaly they duno alot of bm words...so they tend to ask alot of questions like::'wat does this word mean??' etc etcso today...i gave my boy student to di some bm thingy and there's dis word...haha...XDXDXDguess how he asked me...he said::: "teacher, wat does 'mahai' means???"XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD...
well for those who knows bm...we obviously know wat word he's asking about...he tried to ask wats 'mahal'(expensive)...but after some pronounciation and technical error he pronounced it 'mahai'which is a chinese bad word...XDXDXDXDi seriously dunno wether if he did it on purpose...=.= anyway I DID NOT TEACH HIM THAT WORD!!!! haha just to make things clear...he ar...tsk tsk...anyway that makes teaching them 'interesting' isnt it...standard 3 and standard 2 kids nia..easy to handle but can be difficult sometimes...hehe i learn that bribery works at times...like offering gifts to them when they get good results...=)but good also la...give them boost ma...anyway hope tmr i'll have a good day and...bio will be easy on monday...good luck everyone!
was having food poisoning yesterday...felt so weak...nvr ate anything yesterday...puked like 4 times...XP
aih wonder what i ate that caused me dis...i also dunno...anyway i'm feelin better today so dun worry guys...=)thks for all your concern and smses...i appreciate that haha...tmr as usual there is work waiting for me...phew was rushing like mad to study bio just now cuz i was way behind my schedule due to the tuuuuuuuuuttttt food poisoning...study like 5 chapters just now...thk god everything went in...ahh feel so good now..finally can on9 and update my blog...
walao its as if an atomic bomb landed in our school area...i'm still in a daze right now...omg today is our addmaths exam!!!!!!!!and aih as all form 5s know..today's papers are super super SUPER hard!!!!!!XPi've never done such a tough 1 before...got a shock also actually when i noticed that both papers are the hardest sets that they prepared...T.T
all i can say is i din really did well in my 1st paper...and i nearly...i repeat...NEEEEEEEAAAARRRRLLLLYYYY...freaked and blank out at the 2nd paper...walao its the first time ever that i finished an exam paper tepat tepat the given time...summore din check also...just do ni...ain came home only realised that i got soooooo many careless mistake!!!!!!!!but...now regret also no use la aih...nvm i'll just leave it to God...anyway...now we are finally free from addmath's burden...hope bio will be fine... its on next monday! *gasp*i need a breather seriously...my brain worked to its maximum today...so tired now...but still wanna carry on onlining and facebooking... i just hope all these will end soon..
haha just came back from school and did the housework...finally can online again... wanted to on9 yesterday but was lazy haha...
anyway monday we had maths exam...was okok la quite easy haha...=pthen today we had moral...which was quite tough for me actually cuz there is alot of answers for a question!!!!!!!!so tricky wey never expected...aihanyway tmr is addmaths day...
the REAL spm starts haha...all the tough subjects like bio,physics and chemistry coming up soon...one by one...T.T.... i haven ate my lunch though....so hungry now facebooking...
anyway gambate for tmr's addmaths!!!!!
ah!my eyes...and my brains and my hands hurt!!!!!!my eyes cuz i read too much...my brains cuz i tink tooooooooooo much...and my hands cuz i kept writing for 3days in a row in exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ugh finally the 1st 3 dreadful days are all over!!!yay!!!!!
im starting to experience a bit of the freedom now cuz history paper2 is over!!!!!can take out all the facts d...to stuff in new ones haha...=paih but the 3 days wasnt dat easy for me to go thru...T.Ti was sick!!!!!!
having flu and fever...='(not h1n1 so dun worry...hahaso frustrating la...the papers are quite ok for me..not that hard la can do...afew days din on9 d...i miss my blog...=)finally can update it now...today i went to work as usual...but le...my students today are xtra xtra naughty...they argued with each other for a pencil lead...-.-anyway now my fever and flu ok d haha...good oso la cuz monday is maths...tuesday is moral!!!!and wednesday is addmaths...*gasp*aih aih wish the qtions will come out easy...
omg today is the last...the very very veryyyyyyyyyyyy last day to prepare for spm!!!!!!
bm tmr...omg...i studied just now haha...suddenly soooo semangat...=paih tmr's exam until 4.30pm!!!!!!siao 3 papers in a day...anyway...today i dam happy...
y leh????haha cuz today i went to sunway pyramid...=)hehe tmr spm d but i summore got mood..actually the main purpose we went there is to meet my mum's fren...long time fren lai de...that aunty knows how to knit and sew very well de leh dun play play haha...she so kind...gave me and my mum specially knitted jackets...i got a half jacket...blue and brown and white...quite nice le its dam special...never seen anytin like that b4 hehe...mum had a brown jacket...wah sooooo nice rite...=)summore the aunty belanja us go eat at Manhattan fish market...had fish n chips...very nice but sadly i got sore throat!!!!!!!!T.T wat the why lar...tmr spm today sore throat...swei...-.-well continue...then the aunty taught me how to knit and even gave me 2 yarn balls!!!!!hurray gotta start right after spm...=)exam is coming in less than 24 hours...hope my friends and cousins are ready...let's turbo and attack spm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALL THE BEST GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 ahhh...another day of preparation has gone...
i mean almost gone...
today i read bm model essay and also did some addmaths...
apparently my brains gone rusty d cuz some questions i dunno how to do haha...=p
ooops nvm addmaths is next week... so still got time...
dun panic dun panic... chill chill...pheww...
today called my cousin also... she form 5 also ma... gotta wish her gud luck...
today's weather is soooooooo dam cooling!!!!!!!!
so tempted to sleep... slept til 11am today...
tot was still 8am dat time...-.-
geng ler...haha...=)
mum slept for the wholeeeeeee day infront of me u noe when i'm studying...
T.T i din get to sleep though...
gotta jia you for spm d...
hope all these ends fast...
*pants* ahhhhhhh....2 more days to go before the start of the torture aka spm....
gyahhhh studied bm just now... wes so boring i nearly fell asleep...-.- read about prosa and umm drama... i take it slow... one day at the time!!!! now i'm chilling... gotta relax if not stress will take a toll on me...(pimples,acne and wrinkles...) aih...monday is tmr... yea i noe...its getting nearer... but good also la... i wana get over it fast... dun wana stress for so long... already read enuf...did enuf and stress enuf d... I WANT MY FREEDOM BACK!!!!!!!='(
haha just wana lepaskan... duno when can update again... hopefully tmr but if i'm lazy means i'll wait till next week... good luck to me and all of us who are goina war with spm...
today...we had a farewell and we prepared for spm...went to school as usual...saw a6 cuz everyone came...^^~it was fun at first when we are cleaning our classroom and shifting tables...we got those yellow and small and sortof cute tables...those are new and i seriously thank god for that cuz it's not shaky!!!!!!!haha anyway today me and yeeing went to rehat...hmm it seems like soooooooo long ago since we last had recess together...miss those times but anyway...krys and hueyyi came to join us later on...and we had fun shitchatting at our 'lau di fang'...hehethe place only a6 will noe where...haha...=)then after taking all the slip and watching our names being 'artistically' drawn by Jason in 5B class we all went downstairs to ruang legar...got this ceramah thingy and some teachers spoke to us and gave us some last minute tips...i saw many students bz studying...some are bz signing autographs on pj shirt haha...=)anyway this is the 1st time a6 din bring any cameras...aiyo wasted la wasted wey...if not we will surely camwhore again!!!!ok moving on...after the speech and 'ceramah' everyone went and shake each other's hands...and it was drizzling...nice and cooling weather...we took photos wif jiayin's camera...shook hands with pengetua and miss ong...and also hugged and shake friend's hands...aih T.T so touching alot of girls cry...cuz we wun be talking to each other much anymore...spm too bz d...krys is the one who got emotional...the only one in a6 who cried.............................................................................................................................................................................well in this school as far as my memory can take me back to the past...i remember that i was very shy and umm nerdy...-.-i was in 1B and it was there i knew a6...weiwei was sitting beside me...krys and hueyyi infront of me...veron and yeeing at the back...those were the wonderful days...and oh ya!!!dere are some famous quotes that i'll nvr forget too.!haha like 'I dig your eyes out ah!!!!!!'
guess all of u noe who said it rite...heheand also we met many fun to be with and nice and encouraging teachers like Miss Then,Puan Habibah,Mr Liew...haha will never forget Pn. Habibah's garangness... nut she's like a mother... very umm caring... takes charge in alot of things... and also gives us all the power to run chess club the way we like it...=p
i wun forget Miss Then also... very encouraging... hope i dun disappoint her in my bio...eek!
hmm who else leh?ah...1B class students should rmb...Cik Teng Yeng...hahaduno how is she doing now i wonder...is she still fine???ahaha u noe wat i mean i'll just stop here...=pwell today finally we all get our final preparations done...
so now... its just the spm left isnt it?
haha good luck guys...
haha i finished...yes FINISHED studying sejarah today!!!!!!!finally read thru the WW1 and WW2 and also everything in the final chapter!!!!HURRAY!!!!!
tmr hv to go school to take our exam slips and arrange our tables...ahh finally the air of spm is streaming in...well i start to feel relieved cuz i've finished my history...now its bm time!!!!!bm bm wat to study...alot of komsas thing and peribahasa gotta rmb...-.-aih aih im abit worried...duno can rmb everytin anot...=(
Spm is sooooooooo near!!!!
i'm getting more and more nervous and anxious...as well as excited cuz my secondary school years are about to get over!!!!!!one more month plus and i'll be officially out of school!!!!!!hurray...!but i must endure the exam's torture...by right its just 10 days of exam...but it was stretched till soooooo long...maybe it's because of the subject i took...mandarin paper is the last paper and its on 14th of december!!!!6 days after my chemistry paper!!!!!the so called last paper la cuz mandarin is my extra subject...well today as usual i studied...at night only can on9...T.Tbut anyway i have not went to school for the past 3 days...tmr oso not going...i think studying at home is better...at least i STUDY...unlike if i go school i will chitchat...its not a bad thing actually...to chat with friends that we have known for 5 years and we are about to seperate...who knows whom we will still keep contact with right...=)today afternoon i got a phone call from penang...it's from my childhood friend's mum, Mrs. Loh...she's the aunty that fetches me home from school...i known her family since i was ummm...4?ya so its verrryyyyyy loooooong d...she wished me good luck in my spm...her son(my fren) is also form 5 this year...GOOD LUCK to him and all my friends and cousins taking spm!!!!!!all the best guys!!!! gambate!!!!=)we can surely beat spm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haha suddenly got so hyper...dunno why but nowadays i just like writing long posts...maybe cuz i'm getting more stress and wana let out my mind and just write and type my heart out...or just simply cuz...i just want to...i'm listening to dbsk's 'Begin'...nice song to hear and sing along...a good song to let out your emotions...this is the lyrics...just feel like putting it down in my post...Nakitai tokiwa nakeba iikara Nee... muriwa shinaide Namida karetara egaoga hiraku Hora... mou waratteru Tomadounowa miraiga arukara Mabushisani makenai... Yuukiga hoshii Every day and night with you Chiisana kimino tewo nigirishimerukara Every day every night everywhere Tsunagaru kanshokuwo zutto tashikameyou Ima monogatariwa... Begin Hitomisorashite sakenderutsumori Demo bokuwa sukidayo Hanareteitemo wakacchiaumono Sou omoiga areba Kinouni mada sayounara iezuni Kusugutteru jikanwa Munashii dakesa Every day and night we´ll do Samenai binetsudake moteamashinagara Every day every night every way Futarino kankakuwo motto kasaneyou Ima kimito bokuwa... Begin Hontouwa bokumo onajidayo Yoruno yamini obieteru Demo hitorijanai Every day and night we´ll do Furueru kimino tewo nigirishimerukara Every day every night every way Tsunagaru kanshokuwo Zutto tashikameyou Ima monogatariwa... Begin Every day and night we´ll do Samenai binetsudake moteamashinagara Every day every night every way Futarino ummeiwo sotto kasaneyou Ima futaridakede... BeginTranslation::Micky It is okay to cry at times when you want to, Don't be unreasonable. When a tear dries up, a smile will light up your face. Look, you are already laughing.
Junsu The future is confusing But we are not defeated, we desire courage.
Jaejoong Every day and night with you, I take your hand. Every day every night everywhere, Now we feel connected and verified. Now, let the story begin.
Yunho You turn away to avoid my intentions, But I like you. When we are separated, we can share something. Yes... if we have these feelings.
Junsu I cannot say "goodbye" to yesterday, The unsteady hours are wasted.
JaeJoong Every day and night with you, The heat and sparks form without cooling down, Every day every night everywhere, Now our contact increases, Now, you and I begin.
Changmin I am like reality, (Baby I need your love, need your touch) (Baby I need your love, need your touch, baby) In the darkness of the night I am scared, (You tell me now) But I'm not alone.
JaeJoong Every day and night with you, I take your hand. Every day every night everywhere, Now we feel connected and verified. Now, let the story begin.
Every day and night with you, The heat and sparks form without cooling down, Every day every night everywhere, Now our contact increases, Now, you and I begin.nice lyrics...aww...
fu yoh!
went to tai thong restaurant just now and ate dinner...last minute got ppl belanja...and its soooooooooooooo nice and satisfying!wah its an 8 course dinner...got lobster,shark fin soup,piglet...and not to forget wine and whisky...hahai drank the wine...mm very nice...but dun dare to try whisky yet haha...not yet 18 ma...mum dun let oso...anyway it was very nice...the service was good..although the food came alil late but its worth the wait though haha...=pi personally love the piglet...soo nice and crunchy...but it comes with a price de la...after i ate all these good food tonight...am goina dance and work out till kau kau tmr...-.-some ppl call it stupid to do dat...y eat alot den go work out next day?but i LIKE ah...why not enjoy food while we still can right??i enjoy and have fun during work outs oso...makes me relax...so in the end i get the best of both worlds...in conclusion...i think eating your heart out and working out to balance back and burn the excess calories is ok...as long as u enjoy working out la dat is...if u r lazy den dun eat lor...haha...=)
haha sudnt have on9 today...
y leh?
cuz actually mum forbid me...in other words dun let me on9 till after spm...
but wat happen today was a studied for the WHOLE...ya i repeat...WHOLEEEEEE day d...
so no reason for not giving me a chance to relax rite...=p
anyway i study like siao today... sejarah chapter umm 16 and 17...
so now im here!!!! on9ing,facebooking and simply chilling while waiting for joni to reply me...
but nowadays internet verrrryyyyy slow!!!!!!
aiyo quality drop d... the game so slow...=(
tmr dunno wether can on9 anot... now my mind full of sejarah thing...
aiyo cannot rmb ah!!!!! i blank d.. wait wait wait...
whats chapter 16 about ah.... oh ya!Persekutuan Malaysia 1957 thingy...
argh i gtg and read again!T.T
resume working today after a week's break...ahh feel so nice and syok working todaycuz i found out alot of things...1st very happy thing to share and boast abt is my student's bm mark rose from 30semtin to 50sumtin!!!!!wooohoo dam happy wey after i teach him he got improvement...haha...anyway the nest happy thing is finally the girl student rmb wat is vowels d..phew i tot she still cannot rmb...-.-3weeks d have been teaching her...thk God now she rmb!!!!!!!!=)n the best of all is:::finally i get pay!!!!!!!!!!!wah pokai d nowadays..no money..overspent last month...haha...=)anyway i'm going to fof soon...chaoz...
here is a6 with some of our pics that we took in hari graduasi 2009...hope u'll like it!plssss comment ya..^^~A4:from left:: me,hueyyi,krys and weiwei in tapak perhimpunan...  photoshoot:: location in 3rd floor staircase...     hueyyi while waiting in boredom hehe...=p   idea from yeeing::the pose... we even figure out the beat haha... which sounds like '1,2,3...1 step,turn back...'    stairs pose:: from left:krys,weiwei,veronica,yeeing,me,hueyyi    another stairs... the middle pic::look at our hands...its the a6 symbol!    ahaha cheerful posey..::    a3: me,yeeing and krys... emoing...   whao picture perfect a6!!!! my suggestion of the pose hehe...=) from left:krys,weiwei,me,yeeing.hueyyi,veron...    kisses from a6... aww lucky ones... left pic:me and veron kissing wewei right pic:hueyyi and krys kissing yeeing   fan type pose... the classic where we always take...=) taken by yeeing... in pic:krys,me,hueyyi and veron   from left: veron solo, a5 witouh krys, krys and hueyyi...^^    left start:: me and hueyyi....pose inspiration::taiwan and jap fashion mag... krys and veron...    krys' combo take:: the 3rd pic i edited d... nice pics!       veron triple take:: pose directir for this session:krys,me and hueyyi    combo solo takes: me,hueyyi,krys..     hueyyi helping me to adjust my skirt to transform it to high waist skirt.. she has good skills man...    left onwards:: 1.TA DA!me in high waist... 2nd and 3rd: hueyyi solo 4th:krys relaxing     1st pic: me and krys symmetric 2.krys solo 3:me emoing...=p 4.veronica candid     next...veron solo again..  let the hugs fly! krys is flaunt by hueyyu and veronica...  me kena hug by veronica and hueyyi!  veron kena sepit by me and hueyyi haha...  last but not least its hueyyi who kena hug... by me and veron...  krys and veron... looking back to the past...  act cool pic...  OL fashion mag posey by krys and hueyyi...^^  hueyyi and veron...  hueyyi solo...=)  me and hueyyi's turn fashion mag posey::  a4 before photoshoot: sorry the aturan got abit luan d...  a4 again before makan makan::  and thats all for now...more pics after spm!