New year!
people on earth are about to bid farewell to year 2009!!!!!it's coming up in less than few hours time...and obviously i'm excited...^^just ate mcd... mm yummy so nice... love it...
but anyway...ahhhh...since new year is coming...i think i should just reflect and remember and also summarise what i have achieved this year...i start 2009 with a resolution that i will spend this entire year fruitfully and achieve successes...well God is good...besides finishing my high school years and spm...i think i also have grown more wiser...haha...the older u get the wiser u may be ma rite...=Dsuccesses that i think its significant and definitely memorable are::1.being the vice president of chess club 20092.entered into drama competition... district level btw...=p3.won the 9th place in chess mssd...hehehehe...=))4.getting 10 As for the 1st time everrrrrr time in exam...although there are also many many unhappy events...2009 has definately be a year that has moulded me into a better person...i also learnt that some things are not what it seems... also found out that hard work alwaysssss...yes alwayssssss pays off with extraordinary results... realise that money isnt easy to earn...T.T...(sadly thats the fact)
summarizing everything,i think the event that i cherish the most would be the drama competition...although we did not win anything for that...but still i learnt that winning is not everything...it's the process that counts...(thks yeeing for telling me that)oh, and not to forget the superb church camp i went with my friends...and also the graduation day haha...i'll continue to cherish and forever remember all these wonderful memories...besides that...i also thank God for bffs like a6...and also church friends...there's just too much to say it in the blogpost but still...i just wana say that...
thanks for all the people who have been there for me in my times of need...and also the people who had shared spm tips with me *wink wink*2010 is coming...we are one steps closer to it second by second...my 2010 resolutions are::1.live this year with a bang!have no regrets...^^ 2.make more new friends... 3.enjoy the best (and worst) of college life 4.get my driving license and a job 5.live 2010 like 2008 and 2009...aka a year with bountiful succeses...!
thats it!!!!there are many many more other tiny winny ones...but nvm,,i know can d...hahalastly..:HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!!!!!!!!!
woohoo it's finally 25th of december 2009!!!!christmas is today and wah...it seems like the year is coming to an end soon...^^anyway yesterday night i went to krys' hse for party haha...went there abit late...abt 9.45pm...whoa got about 16 people when i went there and the party ended quite late...we exchanged gifts and i got this cut lil statue...haha...its nreakable and it's actually a decoration for cny...slept at 2am and woke up 7.10am today...ugh got panda eyes d...-.-went to church as usual...got gifts and woohoo this year's christmas gofts not bad...i got:::1.eyeshadow pallete (purple colour) and white eyeliner...[both from mum]2.bag[from youth leader's wife]3.photoframe[peiyi-friend from church]4.nail polishes and sunglasses[joshua kau-church friend again...^^]5.earrings[mum gave me cuz got 1 aunty give her but she dun have earhole...-.-]6.blessing....=p [christians should know what i mean here *wink*]thats all for now...later going gathering again...argh nowadays so buzy...got addicted to boys over flowers...no time to watch on tv so i had to watch online...faster that way...anyway wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!will be back again to update before 2010 comes...i hope...bye!
midvalley edu fair.....and shopping trip with friends
yesterday i went to pyramid...ah soooooo nice...so long din go shopping d...the best part is i went without my mum dis time!!!!!^^...yea obviously i'm very veryyyyyyyy happy la...hahathen we meet aaron also...wah long time no see he is still the same...anyway without the presence of my mum my temptation to buy things are stronger than ever...and i bought a brush set from elianto for rm55...nail polish was under sale...a black nail polish rm1 nia...mai buy lor haha...den i also got a sequinned cap form peiyi and her bro for christmas gift...wah all the nice things...^^then we went and eat sushi and kopitiam...ahhh eat ni haha...after that we headed to church in klang for puppet show practice...phew so rush..in the end came home maybe 11pm d...but i drank coffee so i barely slept...T.Tslept for 4 hours nia aih...then it's sunday today...after church went megamall for edu fair...fuyoh was so hot...but got alot of colleges and helpful people around to assists us...i get to ask about some important info about A levels...and also found out some scholarships...anyway before i headed to megamall and representative form Han Xiang academy called me...and told me if i'm interested to study broadcasting or mass communication i can get a scholarship...FULL BOARD f i have 10Aswalao i ngam ngam get pass th quota...hahabut that 1 treat as a spare la...anyway i still need some time to think about my future career.dunwana hurry and make my decisions too fast...i might regret it one day aih,...well it was a good and buzy week...hope i can take a breather tomorrow...and as christmas is near...i pray that a new handphone(sony erricson c903 prefably)=p will be a gift from my parents!
for 6 hours i gotta sit in a small hall with 40people and listen to a maly guy talking about undang undang..-.-aih wat la whole day wasted at the driving school...got some parts i dun understand also...T.T...cham d i saw the undang text book and latihan book today...rupa-rupanya got sooooooooo many steps need to follow while we wanna potong jalan...aih...anyway that is the RIGHT WAY la...i think i'm shocked cuz my dad and the people i know don't follow that much procedures..yea u know what i mean...*winks*i went to the academy dats in shah alam at about 9.20am...whoa dam lot of ppl...95% form 5 students...i dunno anyone there...so i'm quite lonely..oh well finally the ceramah is over...now i just gotta wait to take undang test..wish me luck!!^^
i'm so not goina say the word SPM anymore!!!!!!!
today...in SMK USJ 8, 12.45pm sharpppppppp...mandarin exam is officially over.!!!!!!all over!!!!!!!so that means I AM FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
free from spm la of course...if literally means i'm so buzy nowadays...tomorrow going to register in a driving academy...learning how to drive soon haha!!!^^and oh ya! i got the new hp today... yea new la sort of... its an old hp actually... abit disappointed but after trying out the cam i went gaga over it haha... its ok la actually.. something is better than nothing ma hor...=p
anyway since now i have my new found freedom i have piled up loads of things to keep me buzy for at least 3 months....hehe until spm results come out la that is...=)just polished my nails today...polished it dark blue and added some glitter...hmm nicey long time din do d...miss the beautiful nails soooooo much!!!!now i can see it everyday!!!ahh fulfilling...even randomly typing something in my blog seems to be fulfilling...maybe its not because of the things i'm doing,its because of my mood...=Danyway christmas is coming...and this saturday i'm heading to pyramid with a bunch of church friends for xmas shopping...the best part is my mum is not tagging along haha!!!!for the 1st time ever wey...=plooks like alot of happy things are on the way...in the mean time, lets review spm and how i felt i did::BM:okok la...BI:easy for meBC:super hard...T.T...not enough time to do today aih...thk god sempat finishMaths:ok laSej:easyMoral:ok laEST:very easyAdd maths:hardBio:okok la considered easy for meChem:okPhysics:hard...make alot of careless mistakes...T.Tthats it...11subjects...phew cant believe its overso fast...time flies...yea flies...soon i'll be in college and bla bla...
Phone daze..
dad came back this evening and told me that somebody is blessing me with a brand new sony Erickson handphone!!!!!!!!!tmr i'm getting it!!!!Praise the Lord wey i was praying for a new hp...
s.e. summore...got camera but i duno wats the exact model...anyway woohoo so excited...today i continue to tidy my bedroom...ugh still got so many things to keep...but good thing is i found some really old photos and an autograph book...ahhhh...those were the days...found abt 3 photos taken in my penang primary school...a class photo and the rest is the photos taken when i joined the singing competition...=phaha so hilarious...i remember going up on stage nervous...din sing properly...summore i'm the 1st one to go up wey so unlucky...=pand looking at my class photo makes me recall about my fellow classmates...but aww man too bad i only rmb afew...T.Tanyway the autograph book is sortof a place of sad memories...its written by my classmates from lick hung...oh well i guess i wasnt welcomed over there anyway...who cares though...i dun wan that sad memories to ruin my day..cuz today is so filled with blessings haha!!!!^^
Cousin house...
phew it was a long,tiring,hectic,gila and fun day!!!!woke up 8.30am today and shoot off to desa parkcity...actually the main purpose my family is going there is to take my grandma out to perm hair in saloon...-.-swt i noe but yeah thats the main purpose la..
long time din see my cousins...miss them lots...after dropping me in their hse my parents left for the saloon...we played uno and ps2 as usual...gyah cannot tahan i kept losing in the ps2 game... we were playing digimon game la... with weapons and all sorts of funny attacks...
haha u heard me right...funny attacks...we screamed...screw up in some parts of the game...psst...dun tell any1 abt this embarassing incident that happened::we..i mean our game character...went into this train thingy and we gotta like pandu the train in the correct direction to meet the digimon boss ma...so we din noe the direction and we hit wat we think is correct...mana tau after 20 or 30 rounds we were like...'apasal we r always on the same road 1 ar...weird le its not going anywhere...'so my cousin bro went n check the internet for info...-.-...rupa rupanya got specific direction de...-.-haha in the middle of it so many funny stuff came up... wat i can really say is i laughed my heart out today... for a very veryyyy looooooooooong time i've never laughed like this...
oh well maybe playing with a kid at heart like my cousins really injected some endorphins in me...=)today is my lucky day too...my grandma and aunt gave me angpau...=Dbirthday de la...den i got carrot cake that is so yummy...thanks to my aunt again...and then my cousin sis gave me a necklace...hehe its a silver chain with a pendant...an 'E' pendant...=)besides all those i also ate alot today...i mean ALOT!!!!!when i entered the house...in less than 30minutes i ate two sausages...then before i can finish the sausage my aunt gave me a super big roast chicken chop with potato salad and melon on a bigggggggg plate...='(then after eating everything...we ate popcorn...then drank tea...and then we ate 2 pieces of pizza...i'm goina go FAT wey...seriously...chinese exam coming soon...gotta study also...aih...anyway...today i really had a good day...praise the Lord...=)
Chemistry gone forever!!!!!!
well the title says it all!!!!!
hurray finally chemistry down...now left the last and the ultimate...:::
but who cares anyway its on monday...after that i will be totally free!!!woohoo now i'm enjoying half of my freedom...playing games now...thursday i'm going to cousin's hse... long time din see dem.. miss dem so much...haha
wonder what will we do that day...anyway after my spm i have a long list of TO-DOs...lets see::1.clean and tidy up my room...(1st priority!)2.learn how to drive...hehe this is a must3.christmas shopping4.go education fairs5.earn money...=p6.buy myself something nice7.celebrate my birthday...and most most MOST importantly:::8. CELEBRATE THE END OF SPM AND SCHOOL!!!!!!! haha getting insane d...6 more days to go!!!!!!!
countdown to freedom!!!!!
i'm so happy today!!!!
tmr is my 2nd last subject for spm!!!!! freedom is near!!!!! haha woohoo...anyway hope tmr's papers are easy..n pray dat i dun make anymore careless mistakes like wat i did in physics...after spm will be so buzy also...will be running around to take driving test,cleaning the house,work...christmas shopping...friends outing...and not to forget christmas parties!!!!!!!!^^...thinking about my freedom just made me smile...=)but will be buzy like mad...T.Tafter spm there's finally a time where i can take a break from studies...phew dun wana rush into college...i sortof have a phobia on studying d haha...too much from spm...well...FREEDOM IS NEAR...
dats all i wana say today...
The day after my birthday...
yesterday i stayed up the whole night til 1am...aih watching time slipping pass...second by second... minutes by minutes...
and then...the last second slipped away...birthday is officially over...
yea...life gotta go on...but anyway why do i sound so emo???weird but im feeling happy...actually i'm happy everyday...so yesterday it tot i will be extra extra happy...but turns out...its just like a normal day nia..except for the mcd that i had at night...everything was pretty much the same like any other regular days...today...working as usual but din not get pay yet...T.Tnext friday celebrating birthday with a6 woohoo!!!!but spm is not over for me yet...sadly still got 2 more weeks...=(gambate...i've tahan for more than 2 weeks d...freedom is near!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to me!
 happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me! happy birthday to meeeeeeeeee ee!!!! happy birthday to me!
haha today so happy..mood very good..=)birthday today ma...finally i'm 17 haha!!!!!
can drive d!!!!so excited...as if i can do alot of things d muhahahaha...today woke up early..mum last minute say go ajak a6 go pyramid and celebrate...=Dmana tau everyone except yeeing cannot maker it.,so gotta postpone til next week...anyway... i'm goina enjoy today!!!who cares about chemistry haha...=pcelebrate to the max today woohoo!!!!!my birthday wish(es) for the year is::1.wish that i will get straight A+s for spm2.hope that i'll stay young and forever pretty haha....=p3.hope that a6 will be forever together4.pray that next year will be a good year...=)5.wish that i fa chai haha...well hope all my dreams will come true...oh and btw a very very biggggggg thank you to those ppl who wished me... love you guys!!!muax...
=D happy day of bio yesterday...
haha was so happy yesterday...dun mean to boast watsoever but bio was soooooooo easy!!!!!!!!!thk god for helping me!^^it was one of the easiest paper in spm...i mean paper 1...=panyway today and yesterday night am buzy studying physics...thursday is the day!!!!!
3 more exam days to go!!!!!gambate gambate...nothing much to blog about...nowadays things are going ok...keep studying ni...haih so 'fan'...nowadays kept thinking about my future job,and the course i wana take...scholarship that i wanna apply...i just know... that i wanna enjoy everything and have fun...
I like to take photographs of myself and almost everything..^^ Loves kpop and korean dramas too!
ice creams make me melt and chocolate brightens my day!
a6 - www.a6-girlsnextdoor.blogspot.com
yeeing - www.yeeingng.blogspot.com
veronica - www.veron029.wordpress.com
sylvia - http://i00am00sylvia00.blogspot.com
ashley - http://toxicenthusiasm.blogspot.com
sherene - http://www.perpetual-paradise.blogspot.com
michelle - http://m213.pixnet.net/blog
han pin - http://hanpinzz.blogspot.com
Editor: /rac?
Background: stinkkyy
Layout/Coding: Mary
Inspiration: xanga livejournal
Host: 1 2
people on earth are about to bid farewell to year 2009!!!!!it's coming up in less than few hours time...and obviously i'm excited...^^just ate mcd... mm yummy so nice... love it...
but anyway...ahhhh...since new year is coming...i think i should just reflect and remember and also summarise what i have achieved this year...i start 2009 with a resolution that i will spend this entire year fruitfully and achieve successes...well God is good...besides finishing my high school years and spm...i think i also have grown more wiser...haha...the older u get the wiser u may be ma rite...=Dsuccesses that i think its significant and definitely memorable are::1.being the vice president of chess club 20092.entered into drama competition... district level btw...=p3.won the 9th place in chess mssd...hehehehe...=))4.getting 10 As for the 1st time everrrrrr time in exam...although there are also many many unhappy events...2009 has definately be a year that has moulded me into a better person...i also learnt that some things are not what it seems... also found out that hard work alwaysssss...yes alwayssssss pays off with extraordinary results... realise that money isnt easy to earn...T.T...(sadly thats the fact)
summarizing everything,i think the event that i cherish the most would be the drama competition...although we did not win anything for that...but still i learnt that winning is not everything...it's the process that counts...(thks yeeing for telling me that)oh, and not to forget the superb church camp i went with my friends...and also the graduation day haha...i'll continue to cherish and forever remember all these wonderful memories...besides that...i also thank God for bffs like a6...and also church friends...there's just too much to say it in the blogpost but still...i just wana say that...
thanks for all the people who have been there for me in my times of need...and also the people who had shared spm tips with me *wink wink*2010 is coming...we are one steps closer to it second by second...my 2010 resolutions are::1.live this year with a bang!have no regrets...^^ 2.make more new friends... 3.enjoy the best (and worst) of college life 4.get my driving license and a job 5.live 2010 like 2008 and 2009...aka a year with bountiful succeses...!
thats it!!!!there are many many more other tiny winny ones...but nvm,,i know can d...hahalastly..:HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!!!!!!!!!
woohoo it's finally 25th of december 2009!!!!christmas is today and wah...it seems like the year is coming to an end soon...^^anyway yesterday night i went to krys' hse for party haha...went there abit late...abt 9.45pm...whoa got about 16 people when i went there and the party ended quite late...we exchanged gifts and i got this cut lil statue...haha...its nreakable and it's actually a decoration for cny...slept at 2am and woke up 7.10am today...ugh got panda eyes d...-.-went to church as usual...got gifts and woohoo this year's christmas gofts not bad...i got:::1.eyeshadow pallete (purple colour) and white eyeliner...[both from mum]2.bag[from youth leader's wife]3.photoframe[peiyi-friend from church]4.nail polishes and sunglasses[joshua kau-church friend again...^^]5.earrings[mum gave me cuz got 1 aunty give her but she dun have earhole...-.-]6.blessing....=p [christians should know what i mean here *wink*]thats all for now...later going gathering again...argh nowadays so buzy...got addicted to boys over flowers...no time to watch on tv so i had to watch online...faster that way...anyway wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!will be back again to update before 2010 comes...i hope...bye!
yesterday i went to pyramid...ah soooooo nice...so long din go shopping d...the best part is i went without my mum dis time!!!!!^^...yea obviously i'm very veryyyyyyyy happy la...hahathen we meet aaron also...wah long time no see he is still the same...anyway without the presence of my mum my temptation to buy things are stronger than ever...and i bought a brush set from elianto for rm55...nail polish was under sale...a black nail polish rm1 nia...mai buy lor haha...den i also got a sequinned cap form peiyi and her bro for christmas gift...wah all the nice things...^^then we went and eat sushi and kopitiam...ahhh eat ni haha...after that we headed to church in klang for puppet show practice...phew so rush..in the end came home maybe 11pm d...but i drank coffee so i barely slept...T.Tslept for 4 hours nia aih...then it's sunday today...after church went megamall for edu fair...fuyoh was so hot...but got alot of colleges and helpful people around to assists us...i get to ask about some important info about A levels...and also found out some scholarships...anyway before i headed to megamall and representative form Han Xiang academy called me...and told me if i'm interested to study broadcasting or mass communication i can get a scholarship...FULL BOARD f i have 10Aswalao i ngam ngam get pass th quota...hahabut that 1 treat as a spare la...anyway i still need some time to think about my future career.dunwana hurry and make my decisions too fast...i might regret it one day aih,...well it was a good and buzy week...hope i can take a breather tomorrow...and as christmas is near...i pray that a new handphone(sony erricson c903 prefably)=p will be a gift from my parents!
for 6 hours i gotta sit in a small hall with 40people and listen to a maly guy talking about undang undang..-.-aih wat la whole day wasted at the driving school...got some parts i dun understand also...T.T...cham d i saw the undang text book and latihan book today...rupa-rupanya got sooooooooo many steps need to follow while we wanna potong jalan...aih...anyway that is the RIGHT WAY la...i think i'm shocked cuz my dad and the people i know don't follow that much procedures..yea u know what i mean...*winks*i went to the academy dats in shah alam at about 9.20am...whoa dam lot of ppl...95% form 5 students...i dunno anyone there...so i'm quite lonely..oh well finally the ceramah is over...now i just gotta wait to take undang test..wish me luck!!^^
i'm so not goina say the word SPM anymore!!!!!!!
today...in SMK USJ 8, 12.45pm sharpppppppp...mandarin exam is officially over.!!!!!!all over!!!!!!!so that means I AM FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
free from spm la of course...if literally means i'm so buzy nowadays...tomorrow going to register in a driving academy...learning how to drive soon haha!!!^^and oh ya! i got the new hp today... yea new la sort of... its an old hp actually... abit disappointed but after trying out the cam i went gaga over it haha... its ok la actually.. something is better than nothing ma hor...=p
anyway since now i have my new found freedom i have piled up loads of things to keep me buzy for at least 3 months....hehe until spm results come out la that is...=)just polished my nails today...polished it dark blue and added some glitter...hmm nicey long time din do d...miss the beautiful nails soooooo much!!!!now i can see it everyday!!!ahh fulfilling...even randomly typing something in my blog seems to be fulfilling...maybe its not because of the things i'm doing,its because of my mood...=Danyway christmas is coming...and this saturday i'm heading to pyramid with a bunch of church friends for xmas shopping...the best part is my mum is not tagging along haha!!!!for the 1st time ever wey...=plooks like alot of happy things are on the way...in the mean time, lets review spm and how i felt i did::BM:okok la...BI:easy for meBC:super hard...T.T...not enough time to do today aih...thk god sempat finishMaths:ok laSej:easyMoral:ok laEST:very easyAdd maths:hardBio:okok la considered easy for meChem:okPhysics:hard...make alot of careless mistakes...T.Tthats it...11subjects...phew cant believe its overso fast...time flies...yea flies...soon i'll be in college and bla bla...
dad came back this evening and told me that somebody is blessing me with a brand new sony Erickson handphone!!!!!!!!!tmr i'm getting it!!!!Praise the Lord wey i was praying for a new hp...
s.e. summore...got camera but i duno wats the exact model...anyway woohoo so excited...today i continue to tidy my bedroom...ugh still got so many things to keep...but good thing is i found some really old photos and an autograph book...ahhhh...those were the days...found abt 3 photos taken in my penang primary school...a class photo and the rest is the photos taken when i joined the singing competition...=phaha so hilarious...i remember going up on stage nervous...din sing properly...summore i'm the 1st one to go up wey so unlucky...=pand looking at my class photo makes me recall about my fellow classmates...but aww man too bad i only rmb afew...T.Tanyway the autograph book is sortof a place of sad memories...its written by my classmates from lick hung...oh well i guess i wasnt welcomed over there anyway...who cares though...i dun wan that sad memories to ruin my day..cuz today is so filled with blessings haha!!!!^^
phew it was a long,tiring,hectic,gila and fun day!!!!woke up 8.30am today and shoot off to desa parkcity...actually the main purpose my family is going there is to take my grandma out to perm hair in saloon...-.-swt i noe but yeah thats the main purpose la..
long time din see my cousins...miss them lots...after dropping me in their hse my parents left for the saloon...we played uno and ps2 as usual...gyah cannot tahan i kept losing in the ps2 game... we were playing digimon game la... with weapons and all sorts of funny attacks...
haha u heard me right...funny attacks...we screamed...screw up in some parts of the game...psst...dun tell any1 abt this embarassing incident that happened::we..i mean our game character...went into this train thingy and we gotta like pandu the train in the correct direction to meet the digimon boss ma...so we din noe the direction and we hit wat we think is correct...mana tau after 20 or 30 rounds we were like...'apasal we r always on the same road 1 ar...weird le its not going anywhere...'so my cousin bro went n check the internet for info...-.-...rupa rupanya got specific direction de...-.-haha in the middle of it so many funny stuff came up... wat i can really say is i laughed my heart out today... for a very veryyyy looooooooooong time i've never laughed like this...
oh well maybe playing with a kid at heart like my cousins really injected some endorphins in me...=)today is my lucky day too...my grandma and aunt gave me angpau...=Dbirthday de la...den i got carrot cake that is so yummy...thanks to my aunt again...and then my cousin sis gave me a necklace...hehe its a silver chain with a pendant...an 'E' pendant...=)besides all those i also ate alot today...i mean ALOT!!!!!when i entered the house...in less than 30minutes i ate two sausages...then before i can finish the sausage my aunt gave me a super big roast chicken chop with potato salad and melon on a bigggggggg plate...='(then after eating everything...we ate popcorn...then drank tea...and then we ate 2 pieces of pizza...i'm goina go FAT wey...seriously...chinese exam coming soon...gotta study also...aih...anyway...today i really had a good day...praise the Lord...=)
well the title says it all!!!!!
hurray finally chemistry down...now left the last and the ultimate...:::
but who cares anyway its on monday...after that i will be totally free!!!woohoo now i'm enjoying half of my freedom...playing games now...thursday i'm going to cousin's hse... long time din see dem.. miss dem so much...haha
wonder what will we do that day...anyway after my spm i have a long list of TO-DOs...lets see::1.clean and tidy up my room...(1st priority!)2.learn how to drive...hehe this is a must3.christmas shopping4.go education fairs5.earn money...=p6.buy myself something nice7.celebrate my birthday...and most most MOST importantly:::8. CELEBRATE THE END OF SPM AND SCHOOL!!!!!!! haha getting insane d...6 more days to go!!!!!!!
i'm so happy today!!!!
tmr is my 2nd last subject for spm!!!!! freedom is near!!!!! haha woohoo...anyway hope tmr's papers are easy..n pray dat i dun make anymore careless mistakes like wat i did in physics...after spm will be so buzy also...will be running around to take driving test,cleaning the house,work...christmas shopping...friends outing...and not to forget christmas parties!!!!!!!!^^...thinking about my freedom just made me smile...=)but will be buzy like mad...T.Tafter spm there's finally a time where i can take a break from studies...phew dun wana rush into college...i sortof have a phobia on studying d haha...too much from spm...well...FREEDOM IS NEAR...
dats all i wana say today...
yesterday i stayed up the whole night til 1am...aih watching time slipping pass...second by second... minutes by minutes...
and then...the last second slipped away...birthday is officially over...
yea...life gotta go on...but anyway why do i sound so emo???weird but im feeling happy...actually i'm happy everyday...so yesterday it tot i will be extra extra happy...but turns out...its just like a normal day nia..except for the mcd that i had at night...everything was pretty much the same like any other regular days...today...working as usual but din not get pay yet...T.Tnext friday celebrating birthday with a6 woohoo!!!!but spm is not over for me yet...sadly still got 2 more weeks...=(gambate...i've tahan for more than 2 weeks d...freedom is near!!!!!!
 happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me! happy birthday to meeeeeeeeee ee!!!! happy birthday to me!
haha today so happy..mood very good..=)birthday today ma...finally i'm 17 haha!!!!!
can drive d!!!!so excited...as if i can do alot of things d muhahahaha...today woke up early..mum last minute say go ajak a6 go pyramid and celebrate...=Dmana tau everyone except yeeing cannot maker it.,so gotta postpone til next week...anyway... i'm goina enjoy today!!!who cares about chemistry haha...=pcelebrate to the max today woohoo!!!!!my birthday wish(es) for the year is::1.wish that i will get straight A+s for spm2.hope that i'll stay young and forever pretty haha....=p3.hope that a6 will be forever together4.pray that next year will be a good year...=)5.wish that i fa chai haha...well hope all my dreams will come true...oh and btw a very very biggggggg thank you to those ppl who wished me... love you guys!!!muax...
haha was so happy yesterday...dun mean to boast watsoever but bio was soooooooo easy!!!!!!!!!thk god for helping me!^^it was one of the easiest paper in spm...i mean paper 1...=panyway today and yesterday night am buzy studying physics...thursday is the day!!!!!
3 more exam days to go!!!!!gambate gambate...nothing much to blog about...nowadays things are going ok...keep studying ni...haih so 'fan'...nowadays kept thinking about my future job,and the course i wana take...scholarship that i wanna apply...i just know... that i wanna enjoy everything and have fun...