my buzy week...

hello am back everybody...^^after the whole week finnaly am in the college library againmaking use of my ielts break time to use the computer and school internet hehe...=pand oh ya in my previous post i actually said i'l post a pic on my make up for the photoxshoot thingy u can see it in the pic above...=Danyway college is as buzy as always... 
its like havoc for this few weeks cuz...THE TEST AND ASSIGNMENT TSUNAMI IS BACK!!!!!!!
am not exxagerating but...
next week i'll have my physics and maths test,
followed by moral projects...yes PROJECTSSSSSSSS deadlines...
then we'll have chem n phy design experiment pass up..
den bio exp and common test etc etc...
the list goes on and on till like...november...
TT...and amalina our classmate actually manage to escape all this...aww man!!!!!
i'l try to update my blog at least like once a week la...
my house internet is as slow as a snail...
so cant upload pics...aihzzz..
watever gotta head back to clx now...
wish me luck peeps!!!^^