SAM teacher's day...^^

i am back to update again...
about my college life and the teacher's day...
oops i mean LECTURER's day that we celebrated last month...
-.- yea sorry for the late update but...
as u know i hv like tonnes of assignments and a wave of test and experiments...
but's some pics to share...

as u all can see...
the pics that has a man (physics lecturer) and a lady (maths lecturer) is obviously my lecturers...=))
then there was food...and...more food...=D
there are other pics dat i took but i duno fly whr d so nvm i'l try to find dem soon..i hope...
anyway, besides all the eating and partying..
we also had to go to a hall n u noe the usual speech thingy and performances by all the qiu kap geng n famous ppl from ur course...
it was a fun day after all...^^v^^V
ok so now...
lets talk about some current issues...
and i should say again...
that i have tests...-.- and alot alot of mini (so called la) projects...
oh!and i jz attended a birthday party for a grandma in my church...
she's 91 n omg still very healthy...
God bless her haha...=D
pics for that will be up in the next post..
so stay tuned...
church life has been quite ok these days..
but as usual the atmosphre in youth fellowship was like...
so exam-ish kindof mood...
cuz so many ppl got upcoming exam..TT
we'll be having a retreat in pangkor on september...
but im not going cuz of trial exams!!!!!><
tak puas hati but wat to do...
anyway i gtg....
til i update again...
bye bye!!