trip to port dickson
hello everybody...^^ here am i again to update about alot alot of things in order to revive my dead blog...=D
this time i shall update about my recent trip to port dickson...
it has been a looooooooooooooooooooooong time eversince i last have my holiday...
i tink i wouldn't say that its the oh-so-perfect-trip... but we got a very nice apartment with 2 aircons!!!!^^
i'm going gaga over aircons (that blow out cold air) cuz mine spoilt few weeks ago..><
din really take a pic of the room though... but here's a peek on how our room looks like...
it has four beds, 2 aircons (hehe cant stop abt the aircons), 2 dressing tables and a bathroom...^^
 me and mummy...^^ the first day we reached there quite late...cuz of mum as usual... 1st day like nothing oni...
2nd day was full blast... since we are in port dickson, me and mum told my dad that we wanna eat seafood...
so with the constant bugging and manja-ing my dad gave in!
here we are in the restaurant!
 mum and dad above me and mum below  i forgot the name of the restaurant however, the view in there was AWESOME!
the seabreeze was strong and we are actually on the sea as we eat...
my family ordered my fav salad prawns, a fish and a vege...
the breath taking sea view!!!!
my fav salad prawns...^^on our way home we saw something...urmmm wind-direction indicator?port dickson is PACKED with people!maybe bcuz of the holiday?i went there when its Deepavali...so there's a straight 3 days holiday...its quite odd however, that i din visit the beach when i went..why????
cuz i gotta stay in the apartment room to STUDY FOR MY FINALS...T.Tso thats all about my pd trip..short and sweet haha..^^gtg!love ya!
the end of a beginning....

two random pictures of me haha...both with make up but huge difference rite???
well i guess im a different person in college...
been very busy...ok no wait...should i say stressed?
cuz finals was in nov but then now so fast its OVER!
time flies i know..
and without knowing it, and fully enjoying it..
my college life over d..T.T
sort of sad and also happy...
sad cuz im leaving, happy is because...oh well i am leaving aka graduating also la...
so...to 'commemorate' our graduation,
my gor took me to the newly opened Snpgurt in ss15...
this is him eating til like so yummy..omg i want a cup now!
eat til so syok sampai dowan look at my cam...
wana see what we ate?
scroll down.....
strawberry-manga-lychee flavoured snogurt topped with a grape and kiwis!
looks nice rite? the price oso very nice haha rm10++++ for a small cup thk god got ppl belanja haha...^^
okok done with yoghurts now lets be serious *ehem hem*
as i said just now my finals are over,
means alot of free time to think back of what i ahve done this yr...
and i decided since i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo free i shall write a long post...on what i did this yr...and what that makes this year memorable...
2010 is my college year,
the whole year stuck with test, project, assignment, experiment, homework, study and...study...*-.-*
but in the midst of the hectic life,
we still had fun,
share joy and tears in college with a bunch of funny, weird,nice friends...
the pic below, is given by my chem lecturer...
and i shall call it:
G12 aka my class and my lecturer
this pic is given by my lecturer to us in one of the last days we have his class...on it he wrote 'good luck' for my finals...so touched...T.T
7 small dishes
during the last week in college my gang of friends aka sherene, pooiyin and me decided we should go for sumtin different since we are leaving soon...so we chose to go to DA SARANG restaurant in ss15 for a korean meal and fuyoh!it was a nice restaurant. and its the first time i am eating in a REAL, traidtional, korean-runned restaurant ever in my life in malaysia...
the pic above is the side dishes, that is free i tink (not sure)...kimchi was nice...regretted not trying that restaurant earlier...><>
Miss Low and my gang
Miss Low is like the yougest among all our lecturers but she is has the most oomph to teach us...esl is a very strict subject...finals was hard too and i hope i will not let her down in my results...=D
this is when all of us became kids...=))
milkybar---> from chem lecturer
Our chem lecturer is a really student friendly lecturer, on the last day of college he actually gave (some of us) this as an encouragement and a treat haha...=D...i said some of us cuz b4 he started distributing this he gave milo, so 90% of my clxmates grabbed d milo w/out knowing this was coming next!XDXD...sadly for those who took the milo, this was for the later ones that are patient...aka me..=D
a year has came and its almost gone...
and there were alot alot of first times too..^^
in 2010 i -
1. first went to kim marie for a haircut...^^ (will update about it soon)
2.first went to college...obviously...
3.first met a person from cameron highlands and know her personally (i tot cameron have no school last time so...forgive me for being abit weird)
4.first time drive...^^
5.play fb games for the first time (which i gave up)
6.first time reaching out to those around me
7. first time give presentation formally (secondary school presentation does not count)
8. cried when i feel helplesss in studies for the first time
9. stay back in college with only 1 friend til 8sumtin for the first time (nvr stayed so long out w/out my family b4)
10. believe that dedicated teachers do exist for the first time
11. ate spagethi carbonara for the 1st time...^^
12. share icecream and snogurt with bro for the 1st time...=D
13. felt intimidated by some people for the 1st time
14. get pissed due to a failed experiment for the 1st time
etc etc....cant rmb all...><
but all in all i have a great year because i met great people in a great college...
*spot me*
till we meet again!byeeee..
I like to take photographs of myself and almost everything..^^ Loves kpop and korean dramas too!
ice creams make me melt and chocolate brightens my day!
a6 - www.a6-girlsnextdoor.blogspot.com
yeeing - www.yeeingng.blogspot.com
veronica - www.veron029.wordpress.com
sylvia - http://i00am00sylvia00.blogspot.com
ashley - http://toxicenthusiasm.blogspot.com
sherene - http://www.perpetual-paradise.blogspot.com
michelle - http://m213.pixnet.net/blog
han pin - http://hanpinzz.blogspot.com
Editor: /rac?
Background: stinkkyy
Layout/Coding: Mary
Inspiration: xanga livejournal
Host: 1 2
hello everybody...^^ here am i again to update about alot alot of things in order to revive my dead blog...=D
this time i shall update about my recent trip to port dickson...
it has been a looooooooooooooooooooooong time eversince i last have my holiday...
i tink i wouldn't say that its the oh-so-perfect-trip... but we got a very nice apartment with 2 aircons!!!!^^
i'm going gaga over aircons (that blow out cold air) cuz mine spoilt few weeks ago..><
din really take a pic of the room though... but here's a peek on how our room looks like...
it has four beds, 2 aircons (hehe cant stop abt the aircons), 2 dressing tables and a bathroom...^^
 me and mummy...^^ the first day we reached there quite late...cuz of mum as usual... 1st day like nothing oni...
2nd day was full blast... since we are in port dickson, me and mum told my dad that we wanna eat seafood...
so with the constant bugging and manja-ing my dad gave in!
here we are in the restaurant!
 mum and dad above me and mum below  i forgot the name of the restaurant however, the view in there was AWESOME!
the seabreeze was strong and we are actually on the sea as we eat...
my family ordered my fav salad prawns, a fish and a vege...
the breath taking sea view!!!!
my fav salad prawns...^^on our way home we saw something...urmmm wind-direction indicator?port dickson is PACKED with people!maybe bcuz of the holiday?i went there when its Deepavali...so there's a straight 3 days holiday...its quite odd however, that i din visit the beach when i went..why????
cuz i gotta stay in the apartment room to STUDY FOR MY FINALS...T.Tso thats all about my pd trip..short and sweet haha..^^gtg!love ya!

two random pictures of me haha...both with make up but huge difference rite???
well i guess im a different person in college...
been very busy...ok no wait...should i say stressed?
cuz finals was in nov but then now so fast its OVER!
time flies i know..
and without knowing it, and fully enjoying it..
my college life over d..T.T
sort of sad and also happy...
sad cuz im leaving, happy is because...oh well i am leaving aka graduating also la...
so...to 'commemorate' our graduation,
my gor took me to the newly opened Snpgurt in ss15...
this is him eating til like so yummy..omg i want a cup now!
eat til so syok sampai dowan look at my cam...
wana see what we ate?
scroll down.....
strawberry-manga-lychee flavoured snogurt topped with a grape and kiwis!
looks nice rite? the price oso very nice haha rm10++++ for a small cup thk god got ppl belanja haha...^^
okok done with yoghurts now lets be serious *ehem hem*
as i said just now my finals are over,
means alot of free time to think back of what i ahve done this yr...
and i decided since i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo free i shall write a long post...on what i did this yr...and what that makes this year memorable...
2010 is my college year,
the whole year stuck with test, project, assignment, experiment, homework, study and...study...*-.-*
but in the midst of the hectic life,
we still had fun,
share joy and tears in college with a bunch of funny, weird,nice friends...
the pic below, is given by my chem lecturer...
and i shall call it:
G12 aka my class and my lecturer
this pic is given by my lecturer to us in one of the last days we have his class...on it he wrote 'good luck' for my finals...so touched...T.T
7 small dishes
during the last week in college my gang of friends aka sherene, pooiyin and me decided we should go for sumtin different since we are leaving soon...so we chose to go to DA SARANG restaurant in ss15 for a korean meal and fuyoh!it was a nice restaurant. and its the first time i am eating in a REAL, traidtional, korean-runned restaurant ever in my life in malaysia...
the pic above is the side dishes, that is free i tink (not sure)...kimchi was nice...regretted not trying that restaurant earlier...><>
Miss Low and my gang
Miss Low is like the yougest among all our lecturers but she is has the most oomph to teach us...esl is a very strict subject...finals was hard too and i hope i will not let her down in my results...=D
this is when all of us became kids...=))
milkybar---> from chem lecturer
Our chem lecturer is a really student friendly lecturer, on the last day of college he actually gave (some of us) this as an encouragement and a treat haha...=D...i said some of us cuz b4 he started distributing this he gave milo, so 90% of my clxmates grabbed d milo w/out knowing this was coming next!XDXD...sadly for those who took the milo, this was for the later ones that are patient...aka me..=D
a year has came and its almost gone...
and there were alot alot of first times too..^^
in 2010 i -
1. first went to kim marie for a haircut...^^ (will update about it soon)
2.first went to college...obviously...
3.first met a person from cameron highlands and know her personally (i tot cameron have no school last time so...forgive me for being abit weird)
4.first time drive...^^
5.play fb games for the first time (which i gave up)
6.first time reaching out to those around me
7. first time give presentation formally (secondary school presentation does not count)
8. cried when i feel helplesss in studies for the first time
9. stay back in college with only 1 friend til 8sumtin for the first time (nvr stayed so long out w/out my family b4)
10. believe that dedicated teachers do exist for the first time
11. ate spagethi carbonara for the 1st time...^^
12. share icecream and snogurt with bro for the 1st time...=D
13. felt intimidated by some people for the 1st time
14. get pissed due to a failed experiment for the 1st time
etc etc....cant rmb all...><
but all in all i have a great year because i met great people in a great college...
*spot me*
till we meet again!byeeee..