Crazy things we do in uni #2
never in my life would i ever imagine that extracting stuff from dry leaves and analysing them is a fun thing to do...but it is!!!
and in the other experiment i get to extract my own dna!!!!and even electrophoresising it to seperate it teehee~~ fun overload!
- the extracted solutions- |
me in action |
friends!!!! |
me in action again haha..=D |
my DNA percipitating!!! |
all of our DNA samples in a bottle |
and lastly, all of us..^^ |
Crazy things we do in uni #1
-my hands in action- |
*drum roll*
hug a person of the same gender for 10seconds...
well this is how it started,
all of our classmates went and play 2 rounds of jenga in Student Life Central and apparently the same person lost twice!!!
so the punishment comes and he really did it!!! Thank goodness the guy he was supposed to hug is sporting enuf to let us take pics and laugh..XD
pics will be up on my fb cuz i was buzy laughing til i forgot to take pics hehe~~~
will try and steal bluetooth one or two from my friends...
Uni life is starting for me and it seems like there is more to look forward ahead!=D